Anti-implantation effect of PINELLIN in rabbits 半夏蛋白的抗兔胚泡着床作用
PINELLIN receptors on the adipose cell 脂肪细胞上的半夏蛋白受体
Pinellin, a crystalline plant protein from Pinellia ternata, exhibits cell agglutination and mitogenic activity. 从半夏块茎鲜汁分离的半夏蛋白具有凝集细胞和促使细胞分裂的作用。
Pinellin is also a plant lectin, as it exhibits a specific hemagglutinating activity to rabbit erythrocytes at a concentration as low as 2ug/ ml. 半夏蛋白也是一种植物凝集素,它与兔红血球有专一的凝集活力,浓度低至每毫升2微克时仍有凝集作用。
Equilibrium binding of pinellin to its receptor occurs rapidly both at 24 ℃ and 0 ℃. 在24℃时,半夏蛋白与其受体的结合很快达到平衡,但自然解离则极慢。
Pinellin dissociated into subunits in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate or guanidine hydrochloride. 十二烷基硫酸钠或胍盐存在下,半夏蛋白解聚成亚基。
Rhizo--ma Pinelliae contain many active ingredients, for example, active polysaccharides, alkaloid, sterol, pinellin and so on. 半夏含有多种活性成分,如活性多糖、生物碱、甾醇和半夏蛋白等。
To investigate the three-dimensional structure of Pinellin and elucidate the relationship between the structure and function of Pinellin, we have an effort to obtain the crystal of Pinellin. 为了研究半夏蛋白的三维结构和阐明其结构功能关系,我们进行了其晶体生长的尝试。
Pinellin can be used as an abortifacient protein for terminating early pregnancy of mice. 半夏蛋白曾作为抗早孕蛋白,用于终止小鼠的早期妊娠。