N-VAR 松树 A pine tree or a pine is a tall tree which has very thin, sharp leaves and a fresh smell. Pine trees have leaves all year round.
...high mountains covered in pine trees. 长满松树的高山
Pine is the wood of this tree. 松木
...a big pine table. 一张大松木桌子
VERB (因死亡或离别而)怀念,苦苦思念,为…难过 If you pine for someone who has died or gone away, you want them to be with you very much and feel sad because they are not there.
She'd be sitting at home pining for her lost husband... 她会坐在家里,思念死去的丈夫。
Make sure your pet won't pine while you're away. 要确保不在家时宠物不会想你。
VERB 渴望,苦苦盼望(尤指不大可能拥有的东西) If you pine for something, you want it very much, especially when it is unlikely that you will be able to have it.
I pine for the countryside. 我渴望乡间的生活。
...the democracy they have pined for since 1939. 从1939年以来他们就一直盼望着的民主
Rain pattered gently outside, dripping on to the roof from the pines. 外面,松树上的雨水滴落在屋顶上,嗒嗒作响。
The house stands on a shelf of rock among pines. 房子矗立在松树丛中一块突出的岩石上。
We took a long walk through the pines. 我们在松树林中穿行了很久。
Pines and cypreesses are green all the year. 松柏四季常青。
The sturdy old pines stand tall and straight. 古松苍劲挺拔。
Pines and cypresses tower overhead, blotting out the sunlight. 松柏参天,浓荫蔽日。
When I caught up, I found they were standing behind the rough pines short of the forest edge. 当我赶上的时候,我看到他们正站在距离森林边缘不远的粗松树底下。
I have cut down its tallest cedars, the choicest of its pines. 我要砍伐其中高大的香柏树和佳美的松树。
We are not far from those red pines. 我们离赤松林不远了。
Firs, spruces and pines are conifers. 冷杉、云杉和松树都是针叶树。
The sap was rising in the pines. 松树里面的汁液升起来了。
Some visitors spend weeks seeking more remote and even more pristine sanctuaries islanded with towering pines and spruce. 一些游客消磨上数星期的时间在耸立的松树和云杉的小岛上来寻求更多的清净和纯净的庇护。
Mount Huangshan is attractive to the tourists for its grotesque rocks, dramatic pines and seas of clouds. 服务员:黄山吸引游客的地方是怪石、奇松和云海。
It offers rolling terrain, with most holes surrounded by majestic Norway pines. 它提供滚动地面,与雄伟的挪威松包围的大多数洞。
Pines, firs, and hollies are evergreen trees. 松树,杉树以及冬青是常绿树。
From the beach the green pines and cypresses on the hills look like another green ocean. 从海滩望去,山上青翠的松柏好似又一片绿色的海洋。
And the body lay white and still beneath the pines, all bathed in sunshine and in blood. 这具尸体苍白而安静地躺在松树下,浴在阳光中,浴在血泊中。
Tall Paleozoic trees superficially resembling modern screw pines; structurally intermediate in some ways between cycads and conifers. 一种高大的古生代树木,外表与现代的露兜树相似;结构上介于苏铁和针叶树之间。
Many African countries have large plantations of pines or eucalyptus. 许多非洲国家拥有大规模的松树和桉树种植园。但是ICRAF的科学家建议不要种植这些速生常绿树木,因为它们需要大量的水。
The scarlet leaves of the maples contrast well with the dark green of the pines. 深红的枫叶和暗绿的松树形成了明显的对比。
Mountain lakes and pines lay below them. 在他们下面有一些山间湖泊和松树林。
Generally speaking, cypress, pine, willow shouldn't be planted here, because cypress and pines are planted in front of altar and temple or people's tombs; 一般而论,柏,杉木,杨柳不应该被种植这里,因为柏和杉木被种植在法坛和寺庙或人的坟茔前面;
He knew his slaves were free now and the farm gone to weeds and seedling pines. 他知道现在他的奴隶已经解放,农场也已杂草丛生,甚至长出小松树来了。
Green pines and cypresses also grow in the hills. 山上长满苍翠的松柏。
Evergreen monoecious coniferous trees or shrubs: cypress pines. 常绿的雄雌同株的松类树木或灌木;柏木,落羽杉。
There are long brown mountains and a few pines and far-off forests of beech-trees on some of the mountainsides. 这里有绵延的褐色群山,山上长着一些松树,远方的几处山坡上,有几片山毛榉林。
Any of several pines that prefer or endure moist situations such as loblolly pine or longleaf pine. 任何一种耐潮湿环境的松树,如火炬松,长叶松。
Here is a beech by the side of a hemlock, with three pines at hand. 这儿有株山毛榉和一株铁杉长在一起,旁边还有三株松树。
I love your temperament of verdant pines. 我爱你青松气质。