COLOUR 粉红色;淡红色 Pink is the colour between red and white. lipstick. 粉红色的口红
...white flowers edged in pink. 带粉边的白花
...sweaters in a variety of pinks and blues. 各种各样粉色和蓝色的毛衣
COLOUR (因窘迫、愤怒或剧烈活动而)脸色发红 If you go pink, your face turns a slightly redder colour than usual because you are embarrassed or angry, or because you are doing something energetic.
She went pink again as she remembered her mistake. 想起自己的错误,她又脸红了。
ADJ 与同性恋者有关的 Pink is used to refer to things relating to or connected with homosexuals.
Businesses are now more aware of the importance of the 'pink pound'. 现在商家更加意识到同性恋族群消费力、即所谓“粉红英镑”的重要性。
石竹 Pinks are small plants that people grow in their gardens. They have sweet-smelling pink, white, or red flowers.
PHRASE 非常健康;满面红光;容光焕发 If you are in the pink, you are fit, healthy, and happy.
A glass of red wine keeps you in the pink. 一杯红酒有益健康。
As resort and spring fashion collections trickle in, hues are getting pinker. 由于度假系列和春季系列开始上市,时装的色彩变得更粉嫩。
The way to select students into the elite colleges is not through any mysterious peering into applicants 'souls, Pinker continues. 选拔学生进入精英学府的过程,并不是对申请者的灵魂的神秘审视,平克接着说。
Critics of religion, like Richard Dawkins and Steven Pinker, suggest that faith is a useless ( or worse) by-product of other human characteristics. 理查德道金斯和史蒂夫平克这两位宗教批评者便暗示宗教信仰只不过是人类一些其他特质所导致的无用(如果不是更糟的话)副产品。
Dr Pinker may be right that music was originally an accident and Dr Patel may be right that it transforms people's perceptions of the world without necessarily being a proper biological phenomenon. Pinker博士正确之处可能在于音乐最初是一个偶然;Patel博士正确之处也许在于它会改变人们对世界的感知而不一定就是适当的生物现象。
Dr Pinker's point is that, like real cheesecake, music sates an appetite that nature cannot. Pink博士的观点是和真实的乳酪蛋糕一样,音乐也会满足大自然无法满足的一种胃口。
Using the example of Star Trek, Steven Pinker, in his book How the Mind Works, nicely illustrates the problem here. 用星际迷航举例,史蒂芬,朋克,在中,精细地列出了问题。
Harvard University social scientist Steven Pinker argued in a data-rich book published last year that violence overall has declined. 哈佛大学社会科学家史提芬品克在去年发表的一本旁征博引、数据丰富的书中论证到,总体上来说,暴力事件已经减少了。
Her cheeks were Pinker and her eyelids darker than they had been earlier in the day. 她的面颊比这一天早些时候更红,眼睑也更黑。
The Micro-process of Listening and Understanding during Interpreting from the Perspective of Pinker's Model 从品克的认知模型看口译听辨与理解的微观过程
The collapse in violent crime, also charted by Pinker, still continues. 平克的数据图还显示,暴力犯罪的大幅减少也在继续。
Steven Pinker has said that music is "auditory cheesecake," with no particular advantage in the evolution of our species. 史蒂文.朋克说过音乐是“听觉享受”,在人类的进化史上没有什么特别突出的地方。
The Innateness and Modularity in Human Language G Language Review of Pinker ′ s The Language Instinct 语言的天赋性与模块性&S.Pinker的语言本能理论述评