He wore an expensive, dark blue pinstripe suit. 他身穿一套件价格不菲的深蓝色细条纹西装。
For less conservative meetings, I like my Dolce& Gabbana suit a deep purple with a pink pinstripe. 对于不太保守的会议,我喜欢穿上dolce&gabbana的西装带有粉色细条纹的深紫色西装。
I purchased a dark blue, single-breasted pinstripe, he says. 他说:我买了一身深蓝、单排扣的细条纹西装。
In the meeting or gathering related to business or in financial industry the pinstripe and chalk stripe suits are worn very often and strongly favored by many business personalities. 在有关商业或金融业的会议中,很多人都很喜欢细花条纹和白色条状的西服。
Some businessmen wear pinstripe suits. 有些商人身穿细条纹西装。
It comes in four colors and styles, including medium gray, charcoal, navy, and a gray pinstripe. 这套西服有四种颜色和款式,包括中灰色、深灰色、海军蓝和灰色细条纹。
A common pattern considered very professional is the pinstripe. 比较职业化的一般样式是条纹状的。
Whereas for hanging bio-media, the pinstripe structure of elastic filler could improve the oxygenation capacity. 对悬挂式填料而言,弹性立体填料的放射状细条结构对气泡起到较强的切割作用,提高了充氧效率。