Effects of elevated O_3 and CO_2 on Pinus tabulaeformis antioxidant system O3和CO2浓度升高对油松针叶抗氧化系统的影响
The distributive feature of soil microorganism of Pinus tabulaeformis plantation forestland in Loess Plateau under different forest age has been studied. 研究了黄土高原不同树龄的油松人工林地土壤微生物的分布特征。
Effect of Photoperiod on Morphogenesis and Growth of Pinus densiflora Sieb seedlings 光周期对赤松苗木形态建成和生长的影响
A study was conducted of the soil physical properties of Pinus massoniana plantation under different intensities of fire disturbance. 研究了马尾松人工林在强度、中度、轻度和无火干扰情况下林地土壤的物理性质。
Chemical constitution of Pinus kesiya oleoresin from Burma was analyzed by GC-MS. 采用GC-MS联用技术对产自缅甸的卡西亚松松脂化学成分进行了分析和鉴定。
Ultrastructural study on development of needle resin ducts in Pinus elliottii engel. 湿地松针叶树脂道发育的超微结构研究。
Effect of soil temperature and moisture on soil CO_2 efflux in a Pinus tabulaeformis forest 土壤温度和水分对油松林土壤呼吸的影响
Based on the systematic service and analysis on the biomass and productivity of Pinus thunbergii plantation near Bengbu City. 本文对蚌埠市郊黑松人工林生物量和生产力进行了系统测定和分析。
Structure Analysis and Close-to-natural Operation System Design for Pinus Tabulaeformis Plantations in Northern China 中国北方油松人工林结构分析和近自然改造林分作业体系设计
Analysis on the variation of female-male flowers and strobilus production of clonal seed orchard of Pinus tabulaeformis carr. 油松无性系种子园雌雄球花量及球果量变异分析。
Gap fillers were mostly Tilia amurense and Acer mono, whereas Pinus koraiensis in a smaller number. 林隙填充中,紫椴和色木槭的数量最多,红松所占比例较小。
Toadstools were collected from a range of pure stands of Betula and Pinus both in Britain and the U.S.A. 从英国和美国一系列桦木和松树纯林中收集蕈体。
Pliocene Rhododendron and Pinus fossil woods of Yunnan Province and Palaeoclimate 云南上新世杜鹃属和松属化石木研究及其古气候意义
Meanwhile, all the optimum and potential distributing regions of Larix gmelinii, Spruce fir forest and Pinus koraiensis have the tendency of moving northwards. 同时,分布于大兴安岭的兴安落叶松、小兴安岭及东部山地的云冷杉和红松等树种的可能分布范围和最适分布范围均发生了北移。
There exists a phenomenon of different variance in curve equation of tree height of Pinus kesiya var. 运用残差图法和戈德菲尔特&夸检验方法检验出思茅松树高曲线方程中存在异方差现象。
The development and Prospect of Pinus radiata plantation in Australia 辐射松人工林在澳大利亚的发展与前景
Effect of simulated acid rain on soil respiration of Pinus massoniana and Cunninghamia lanceolata 模拟酸雨胁迫对马尾松和杉木幼苗土壤呼吸的影响
Protection of Pinus kwangtungensis community will benefit to the survival and development of some endangered species in the community. 对广东松群落的保护,将有利于群落中多个濒危植物的生存和发展。
Studies on Physiological Changes of Cunninghamia Lanceolata and Pinus Massoniana Seeds during Storage 杉木、马尾松种子贮藏过程中的生理变化研究
The dissertation studied on earthworms'action in the material decomposing and transforming in the Pinus koraiensis broad-leaved mixed forest in the Northeast of China. 研究蚯蚓在东北红松阔叶混交林物质分解与转化中的作用,对研究森林生态系统的物质循环和能量流动具有重要的科学意义。
The carbon content and carbon storage of Pinus massoniana Lamb at different growing stages were measured. 对福建马尾松幼龄林、中龄林和成熟林生态系统中各组分的含碳率和碳贮量进行了比较研究。
Effects of precipitation and interspecific competition on Quercus mongolica and Pinus koraiensis seedlings growth 降水变化和种间竞争对红松和蒙古栎幼苗生长的影响
The heat-treated process of Pinus kesiya wood which adopted by oil method has been studied in this paper. 采用油浴法对思茅松木材进行热处理工艺的研究,从而分析研究热处理后思茅松木材的吸湿性。
The contamination characteristic and decolorization methods of the Pinus massoniana and eucalyptus urophylla CTMP effluent were studied. 研究了马尾松-尾叶桉CTMP制浆废液的污染特征及脱色方法。
Effects of fertilization on the growth and resin yield of middle-aged forest of Pinus massoniana 施肥对马尾松中龄林生长量和产脂的影响
Pinus Koraiensis is a provincial tree spiece in the Northeast woodland of our country. 红松是我国东北北部林区的乡土树种。
Effect of Pinus koraiensis Seeds Stored on Germination Rate from Different Areas 红松不同种源的种子储藏后对发芽率的影响
The effect of pollen of Pinus densiflora on the micronucleus of marrow cells for mouse is tested. 进行了赤松花粉对小白鼠骨髓嗜多染红细胞微核的影响测试。
Pinus elliottii had been found as pioneer plant suitable for sandy land ecosystem reconstruction. 湿地松是一种适合沙化土地生态系统重建的先锋植物。