Charge in the oxide layer and surface state The pions form another triplet, electrically different but otherwise alike. 氧化层电荷与界面态π介子构成另一种三重态,只是电荷不同,其它方面均相同。
Recalculation of Compton Scattering on Charged Pions π~±介子上康普顿散射过程的重新计算
Assess hospitalization procedure of uterine leiomyoma surgery patients in a three level of first-class hospital The pions form another triplet, electrically different but otherwise alike. 某三甲医院子宫平滑肌瘤手术患者住院诊疗流程与其平均住院日现况评估分析π介子构成另一种三重态,只是电荷不同,其它方面均相同。
The experimental result is equal to 1.40 ± 0.08. This value agrees with the datum on photoproduction and scattering of pions. 实验结果等于1.40±0.08。这个数值和利用光生π介子反应和π介子-核子散射数据推出的值是符合的。
The multiparticle Bose Einstein correlations of pions and kaons produced by a surface hadronization of the quark gluon plasma droplets are calculated. 计算了由夸克-胶子等离子体(QGP)颗粒表面强子化所产生的π介子和K介子的多粒子玻色-爱因斯坦关联。
Also there are lots of neutral pions distributed in a low momentum region with the mean momentum at p~ 21MeV. 同时π弦的衰变还伴随着大量中性π粒子,这些中性的π粒子主要分布在动量为21MeV的低动量空间。
Based on the cloudy bag model, the short range and long range nuclear force due to the exchange of gluons and pions between quarks are calculated is an unified way by using relativistic many-body theory. 采用相对论性的多体理论方法,在介子云口袋模型的基础上,统一计算了夸克间交换胶子与π介子所给出的核子间相互作用的短程与长程部份。
The ratio of the probability of two capture processes of stopped negative pions in hydrogen was measured by the γ-γ coincidence method. 用γ-γ符合方法测量了停在氢中的负π介子的二个俘获过程的几率比。