A: We have noted the relevant report and commend the relevant statement by the new Greek government on the COSCO project at the Piraeus Port. 答:我们注意到相关报道,中方积极评价希新政府对中远比雷埃夫斯港项目的有关表态。
The Chinese side hopes and believes that the Greek government would honor its commitment, stay committed to enhancing communication and cooperation with the Chinese side on the COSCO project at the Piraeus Port and work together to build the port a first-class one. 中方希望并相信希政府将信守承诺,继续在中远比港项目上同中方加强沟通与合作,共同努力将比港打造成世界一流港口。
A key aim of the project was to create a natural and dramatic solution to piraeus 'current issue with noise pollution while creating a strong, iconic identity in relation to the nearby port and mediterranean sea. 该项目的主要目的之一就是在为比雷埃夫斯当前噪音污染问题提供一个自然而巧妙的解决方案的同时设计出一个出与邻近的港口和地中海协调的强有力的地标建筑。
Shares in Piraeus ( BPIRY), Alpha Bank ( ALBKF) and Eurobank ( EGFEY) have plunged by as much as 60% this year. 比雷埃夫斯的股票,阿尔法银行的股票和欧洲银行的股票,今年已经下跌了60%。
"Leontius" Leontius," he writes," was proceeding from the Piraeus outside the north wall when he perceived corpses lying near the public executioner. 柏拉图写到,从皮里亚斯,走出北侧墙外,他感受到尸体,躺在刽子手的周围。
Piraeus port authority, the state-controlled operator, has struggled to attract international container companies because of Limited handling facilities and poor labour relations. 因港口吞吐能力有限,同时劳工关系紧张,希腊国有运营商比雷埃夫斯港务局(piraeusportauthority)一直难以吸引到国际集装箱公司。
And absent a catastrophe that would bring low many bigger banks than Piraeus quite possibly including some of the investment banks themselves the Greeks appear set to secure the capital they are seeking. 而由于没有发生会压垮许多规模在比雷埃夫斯之上的银行很可能包括某些投行本身的灾难,希腊人看来也将会获得他们所寻求的资金。
Simultaneously, brilliant and daring sabotage operations were carried out by Greek agents against Axis shipping in the Piraeus. 同时,在比雷埃夫斯,希腊地下工作人员进行出色而英勇的怠工行动来阻挠轴心国的航运。
China has lobbied hard for access to Piraeus seen as a strategic location for transferring containers to smaller ships that can navigate the Bosphorus Strait to serve ports in Romania, Ukraine and Georgia. 普遍认为,比雷埃夫斯港口具有战略地位,可以将集装箱转运至较小型船只,从而穿过博斯普鲁斯海峡(bosphorusstrait),为罗马尼亚、乌克兰和保加利亚的港口提供服务。
In June Cosco, the biggest Chinese state-owned shipping company, won a tender to build and operate a new container terminal at the port of Piraeus. 在六月里,中国最大的国有运输公司中国远洋运输公司(Cosco)中投标成功了,他们会在希腊比里亚斯港建造和营动一个新的货柜/集装箱码头。
Early evening return to the ship via cable car and tender boat for dinner and show onboard as you depart Santorini and sail back to Piraeus. 晚上乘坐缆车和摆渡船返回游轮,一边享用晚餐,一边观看精彩的节目。夜里游轮将出发返回比雷埃夫斯。
We learn shortly afterwards that they have taken this descent to the Piraeus to view a festival, a kind of carnival. 我们稍后得知,他们一起南下皮里亚斯,去观赏一场庆典,类似嘉年华的庆典。
The Piraeus Port where the Chinese company is involved in its operation is performing well, contributing to local economic development and employment. 目前,中国企业参与经营的比雷埃夫斯港口运营良好,为促进当地经济发展和增加就业做出贡献。