In 2010, Piranha 3D was released, allowing for a new generation of audiences to be horrified by the fish. 2010年,影片《食人鱼3D》上映,让新一代的观众们也饱受食人鱼的惊吓。
But in the dry season when ponds and rivers dry up and food becomes more scarce, piranha turn to meat-eating, usually in the form of other fish. 遇上旱季河流和湖泊干涸时,食物变得匮乏,食人鱼就开始吃肉,基本上是吃其他鱼类。
The red-bellied pacu is the cousin of a very well-known fish that terrorizes swimmers in made-for-TV movies and on the big screen: the piranha, notes the Discovery channel. 《探索发现》频道称,红腹帕库食人鱼是比拉食人鱼的近亲,比拉食人鱼非常有名,在电视电影中和大银幕电影中让游泳者感到恐怖。
The move followed a piranha attack last weekend in which a man surnamed Zhang suffered injuries to the palms of his hands while giving his dog a bath in the Liujiang River. 此举的缘由是上周末市民张先生在柳江河边给小狗洗澡时,遭到食人鱼攻击,手掌被咬伤。
A pacu fish, known for eating human testicles, has been captured in Lake Lou Yaeger in Illinois, the Department of Natural Resources has stated. The fish is a relative of the piranha, which is known for its sharp teeth and vicious nature. 美国自然资源部近日表示,美国伊利诺伊州劳耶格尔湖发现帕库食人鱼,据称这种食人鱼专咬男性生殖器,与以锋利的牙齿和凶残的本性著称的比拉食人鱼同属一类。
They dropped a microphone into a piranha tank that, at different times, held three groups of10 fish. 在不同时段,科学家们把麦克风放在食水鱼水箱中,这个水箱中有10条食人鱼,它们为分3组。
Piranha fish live in the lakes, and electric eels. 湖里有水虎鱼,还有电鳗。
Liuzhou's municipal authorities in Guangxi on Wednesday placed a heavy bounty on piranhas recovered from its waters, and would offer 1,000 yuan for every piranha caught, China News Service reported. 据中新社报道,周三,广西柳州市官方悬赏钓剿所辖水域中的食人鱼,每条奖励1000元。
Time for the ultimate killer's test: How would the piranha react to my duck? 现在是终极杀手测试时间:水虎鱼会对我的鸭子如何反应呢?
I liked to think of myself as a grown man, but consternation was eating away at my bravado like a starved piranha devouring its prey. 我那时喜欢把自己看作是一个大人,但惊恐慌乱就像一条饥肠辘辘的食人鱼吞食猎物一般,渐渐攻破了我的虚张声势。
Or I would throw her into the sea, so piranha would eat her. 或者把她扔进海里,小鱼会把她吃掉。
Photo Gallery: Tropical Rain Forest Wildlife The notoriously voracious piranha lives only in the rivers of South America, primarily the Amazon and Orinoco. 热带雨林野生动植物图片集。这有名的贪心的南美产的小鱼只居住在南美的河流,主要的在亚马逊河和Orinoco。
I say, instead of mailing the bonus checks to their houses, we put rocks on them and we put them at the bottom of an enormous piranha tank. 我的办法是,不要将奖金支票邮寄到他们的家里,我们把奖金支票绑在石块上,再将石块沉在一个巨大的水虎鱼鱼缸的底部。
However, researchers found that piranha most likely group together as a defense against such predators as river dolphins, caimans and bigger fish, and not to engage in feeding-frenzies. 但是,研究者们发现食人鱼拉帮结伙更多的是为了抵御食肉动物&如河豚、凯门鳄和一些大型鱼类的攻击,而不是忙于觅食。
Locals in the Amazon region often use piranha teeth to make tools and weapons. 亚马逊当地人经常用食人鱼的牙齿来做工具和武器。
'In Piranha, there's lots of cool people. It's about a lot of fish that eat a lot of buff boys and big-boobied girls. 在《水虎鱼》中,有许多很酷的人,是关于许多鱼吃掉了很多帅哥和性感美女的电影。
The strawberry motif on the quilt hardly guarantees sweet dreams, and the stuffed piranha on top of the computer monitor won't help an ad writer produce snappy copy. 被子上的草莓图案很难保证拥有甜蜜的睡梦,计算机显示器上的填充水虎鱼玩具将无助于广告作家写出漂亮的文稿。
A man nearby fished a piranha. I rushed to see and made a few photos. I made a feature of its sharp teeth. 旁边的人碰巧拉上来一条,我赶紧跑过去照了几张照片,还特别给那锋利的牙齿来了一张特写。
There are no piranha at sea. 海里面没有南美小鱼。
Did a school of piranha eat flesh down to the bone of a busload of passengers that crashed in an Amazonian river? 当一辆公交车掉进了亚马逊河中,他们真的被食人鱼吃得只剩下了骨头?