Mr Zapatero's latest U-turn, like previous pirouettes on pensions, labour reform and spending cuts, was a response to the markets and to Angela Merkel and Nicolas Sarkozy. 萨帕特罗首相最近一次的政策转变,正如他之前在养老金,劳动改革及削减开支等问题上的转变一样,是对市场以及德国总理默克尔和法国总统萨科齐的回应。
On the left bank of the river, the castle and the Gothic pirouettes of St Vitus's cathedral leap into the sky. 在河的左岸,城堡和哥特式圣维特大教堂(St.Vitus'sCathedral)旋转跃入天空。
We watched a slow motion film of a ballet dancer doing pirouettes. 我们观看了芭蕾舞演员单足旋转的慢镜头电影。
I help her with her pirouettes all the time. 我一直帮她练习脚尖旋转。