(登山用的)钢锥,岩钉 a short pointed piece of metal used in rock-climbing. The piton is fixed into the rock and has a rope attached to it through a ring at the other end.
Climbing kit includes climbing boots, crampons, snow goggles, alpenstocks, ice axes, ice pitons, piton hammers, and rope ladders. 登山工具包括登山靴,冰爪,护目镜,铁头登山杖,冰镐,冰锥,铜锥和绳梯。
Well, if there is snow, you have to bring with you crampons, an ice axe, ice piton and snow goggles. 如果赶上下雪的话,你还得带上(装在登山靴上的)尖铁钉、破冰斧,冰锥和雪地眼镜。
Where good natural protection is not available a fixed hanger or ringbolt should replace the piton. 若该处并无良好的天然支点,则应以固定耳片或环形锚栓取代该岩钉。
An oblong metal ring with a spring clip; used in mountaineering to attach a rope to a piton or to connect two ropes. 带有弹簧钩的金属环;在登山运动中应用的连在绳子上的岩钉或连接两条绳子。
A new way of exchange between rotation and reciprocating motion through planetary driving was introduced, which was different from the one realized by piton pump moving with cam, brace and link. 采用行星齿轮传动方式实现从旋转到直线的往复运动,不同于现有柱塞泵由凸轮、曲柄连杆或斜盘实现往复运动的方式,没有滑靴等高压力作用下高速滑移的元件。