Relationship between PKA signaling pathway and sarcoplasmic reticulum calcium leakage mediated by the ryanodine receptor PKA信号通路与ryanodine受体介导的心肌肌浆网钙泄漏关系的研究
When PKA is turned on and is physically close to a biosensor, PKA itself changes the shape of the biosensor, causing it to glow green instead. 当PKA开启时并且有酶分子贴近生物传感器时,PKA会改变生物传感器的形状,导致生物传感器发稳定的绿光。
When PKA is turned off, the biosensor glows blue. 当PKA关闭时,生物传感器发蓝光。
Protein kinase A ( PKA) and protein kinase C ( PKC) are potential targets in treating tumour and their over expression leads to cellular proliferation and differentiation abnormally. 蛋白激酶A(PKA)和蛋白激酶C(PKC)的过度表达导致细胞生长分化异常,是治疗肿瘤的潜在靶点。
DFT calculation of pKa for some aromatic heterocyclics in DMSO Solution 若干芳香杂环化合物在DMSO溶液中pKa值的密度泛函计算
Structure-Based Drug Design on Aurora Kinase and Predict of pKa Values of Aromatic Carboxylic Acids 基于极光激酶的药物设计及化合物酸碱解离常数的预测
So this PKA sensor not only indicates whether the enzyme is on or off, but also locates where PKA is being turned on or off within the cell. 所以这种PKA传感器不仅显示酶是否开或关,而且当PKA正开或关时在胞内定位它。
Effects of Electro-acupuncture on Learning and Memory and PKA/ CREB in the Temporal Lobe of AD Rats 电针对AD大鼠学习记忆能力及颞叶皮层PKA/CREB的影响
The Mechanism of PKA Signaling Pathway in Synaptic Plasticity after Cerebral Ischemia and Intervention Studies of Acupuncture PKA信号通路在脑缺血后突触可塑性中的作用及针刺干预研究
PKA, cAMP and CREB, these signal transduction molecules are related to CRH's regulated function on the cytokines 'secretion of macrophage. 巨噬细胞内cAMP、PKA和CREB等信号转导分子与CRH调节巨噬细胞的细胞因子分泌有一定关系。
Effect of PKA and PKC inhibitor on G2/ M/ G1 progression in HeLa cells PKA和PKC抑制剂对HeLa细胞G2/M/G1进程的影响
Effect of Arginine-Vasopressin ( 4-8) on PKC and PKA Activities in Rat Brain 精氨加压素片段(4-8)对鼠脑PKC和PKA活性的影响
Protein kinase A ( PKA) is an important kinase for cell survival. 蛋白激酶A(PKA)是一种对细胞存活有重要作用的激酶。
It suggested that CRH can regulate expression of CRH in hypothalamic neuron by the PKA signal passway. 表明CRH可通过PKA信号通路调节下丘脑神经元表达CRH。
Conclusion Multiple protein kinases may involve in the stimulation of AP-1 by ox-LDL in mesangial cells. 结论PKC、PKA及PTK等多种蛋白激酶参与对ox-LDL诱导系膜细胞AP-1活性的调控。
In the cytosolic fraction, the activity gradient of the protein kinases were PKC> PKA> TPK. 在胞液的三类蛋白激酶中,PKC>PKA>TPK;
Conclusion PKA has no significant effect on CA secretion in rat adrenal chromaffin cells. 结论PKA在大鼠肾上腺髓质嗜铬细胞CA分泌过程中的作用不明显。
Both the activities of membranous and cytosolic PKC recovered to normal level at 60 min. 60min时膜性PKA和PKC都恢复到正常水平。
Conclusion The pathways of PKA and PKC signal transduction may participate in the hypoxic neuron injury. 结论①PKA和PKC信号转导通路均参与了缺氧神经元损伤;
Effect of PKA and PKC on g_2/ m/ g_1 progression in HeLa cells PKA和PKC对HeLa细胞G2/M/G1进程的影响
The effect of the reorganization of microfilaments on activity of pk ⅱ and PKA 微丝重组对PKⅡ和PKA活性的影响
TSAb also could increase the expression of PAX-8 gene by the cAMP/ PKA pathway in human thyroid cells. TSAb也可使人甲状腺细胞中的PAX-8基因表达增加,其作用主要通过cAMP/PKA信号传导途径。
PTX-sensitive G protein signaling pathway and PKA were not involved in this process. PTX敏感的G蛋白信号转导通路及PKA未参与川楝素所引发的PC12细胞凋亡。
The Role of PKC, PKA and TPK on Platelet Aggregation PKC、PKA和TPK在血小板激活中的作用
Since its homologus with PKA and PKC, Akt also be named PKB. 由于Akt与PKA、PKC家族有同源性,因此也被称为PKB。
Nitrogen or phosphate activate PKA require glucose, glucose activate PKA also require nitrogen or phosphate. 氮源或磷酸盐激活PKA下游靶标需要葡萄糖的存在。同样,葡萄糖激活PKA下游靶标也需要氮源或磷酸盐的存在。
Our investigations revealed that PKA signal pathway plays a crucial role on regulating HCN channel activity. 揭示了PKA信号通路在调控HCN通道活性中发挥了极为重要的作用。
CAMP combines the regulatory subunit, releases the catalytic subunits and activates the PKA. cAMP和PKA的调节亚基结合,释放出其催化亚基而激活了PKA。
PKA modulates the cells 'response to extracellular nutrient condition and stress through phosphorylation. 借助于磷酸化作用,PKA可调节细胞对外界营养条件和压力状况的应激反应过程。
Therefore, PKA is an important link of intra-cellular signal transduction. 所以PKA是细胞内信号转导的重要环节。