The rewards for bending rules – whether by plagiarising others'work, making up quotes and stories, or illegal invasions of privacy – were higher than the risks of getting caught. 任意歪曲规则(无论是抄袭他人的劳动成果、杜撰引言与故事,还是非法侵犯隐私)获取的回报,比被逮住的风险要高。
Forging degrees, plagiarising theses and the moral insensitivity of politicians and big corporations have shaken up Korean society for the past year. 文凭造假,论文剽窃,以及政治家们及大企业的道德麻木在去年闹得韩国社会动荡不安。
Italians were faintly astonished when the German defence minister was recently forced to resign for plagiarising parts of his doctoral dissertation. 德国国防部长最近因其博士论文中有部分抄袭内容而被迫辞职,此事就让意大利人惊讶不已。