I know this will be shocking to some ( or not at all, as the case may be), but plaintiffs 'lawyers are not simply advocates for social justice. 我知道,这会让一些人大感吃惊(或者根本不会,根据各人情况而不同),但原告律师不仅仅主张社会公正。
The writ was indorsed with details of the plaintiffs claim. 传票上详细批注了原告的主张。
In 2012, BP reached a settlement with many of the individual and business plaintiffs but has battled in court over interpretations of that settlement ever since. 2012年,BP与许多个人和企业原告达成了和解,但此后,它针对那次和解的解释在法庭上展开了斗争。
Many of the plaintiffs settled their cases individually, a lawyer for them said. 一名原告律师表示,许多原告后来都决定单独解决他们的案件。
We will present evidence that Apple took action to block its competitors and in the process harmed competition and harmed consumers, said Bonny Sweeney, the lead plaintiffs 'lawyer. 我们将呈上证据,表明苹果采取了遏制竞争对手的行动,并在此过程中妨碍了竞争,损害了消费者的利益,首席原告的代理律师邦尼·斯威尼(BonnySweeney)说。
The plaintiffs in Duke Power challenged the constitutionality of the Price-Anderson Act. 原告杜克电力公司对《普莱斯一安德森法》的合宪性提出质疑。
Judicial precedents show that this court has the constitutional power and duty to interpret the sfpt, the tra, the ina, and the constitution to determine whether their provisions guarantee enforceable rights to plaintiffs. 司法判例显示本法院具有宪法赋予之权与职责,得以解释旧金山和约、台湾关系法、移民暨归化法和美国宪法,进而决定其条款是否能保障原告的被执行权利。
But those plaintiffs can withdraw their lawsuits if they decide to accept a payout from the compensation fund. 但是,如果他们决定从补偿资金接受补偿,那些原告就能撤退他们的诉讼。
The decision was the most notable to date, thanks to the suit's long list of plaintiffs. 由于该诉讼涉及到的原告不计胜数,使得这个决议成为最值得注意的事情了。
For the public interest litigation of plaintiffs eligible has been a hot topic in legal circles. 对于行政公益诉讼原告资格的探讨一直以来都是法学界热门的话题。
The plaintiffs want to hear my deposition. 原告希望听到我的证词。
The plaintiffs had sought to challenge the law as a violation of the Eighth Amendment of the US Constitution. 这些犯人以原告的身份试图向这条法律挑战,认为它违反了美国宪法第八修正案。
Merck has already turned over at least two million documents in the federal litigation, whose plaintiffs claim Vioxx caused heart attacks and other injuries. 默克公司已经在这一系列诉讼案中递交了两百万份文件,这些案件中的原告都指控万络给他们带来了心脏病和其他损伤。
Prof Moore says we can see a similar situation between lawyers and plaintiffs in major liability cases. 摩尔教授称,我们在重大责任案件中的律师和原告方之间也能看到类似的局面。
All three plaintiffs refer to Howard as. 3个起诉人同时对霍华德提到。
He likes to remind the plaintiffs that they have rights but may not have remedies. 他想要提醒原告他们拥有权利但是可能没有补偿。
Marital problems are often reported by women, and, generally speaking, women are the plaintiffs. 婚姻问题常常要从妇女这个角度反映,一般说妇女总是处于原告地位。
Pfizer said it was willing to continue talks with the plaintiffs, which include federal and state authorities. 辉瑞公司表示,愿意继续与原告进行谈判,其中包括联邦及州政府机构。
In this case it was to give advice concerning management and cost controls, and that the plaintiffs had no expertise in that area. 而在本案例中是要给出有关管理和成本控制的建议,而原告在这方面又不具备专长。
The Supreme Court held that the plaintiffs were entitled to judicial review on this issue. 最高法院认为,原告有权要求就此问题进行司法复审。
Attorneys for the plaintiffs in all six cases did not respond to interview requests. 6起案件的原告律师均未对采访要求做出回应。
With no "plaintiffs" in this case, what is the basis for all the legal punishments? 在这桩没有“苦主”的案件里,法律惩罚的究竟是什么呢?
In toxic waste damage actions, the plaintiffs first problem is to establish that defendant's conduct met the requisite liability standard. 在有毒废物损害赔偿诉讼中,原告的首要问题是确定被告的行为达到了必需的责任标准。
The plaintiffs 'calculation methods were not in the court documents. 法庭文件中并未公布原告的计算方法。
Neither the plaintiff here nor any of the other plaintiffs in state courts have complied with the requirements set forth by this ruling, the note added. 该声明称,在州立法院中,此案的原告和任何其他原告都没有遵守该法令中规定的要求。
And, finally, the plaintiffs have committed fraud. 最后一点,原告方有欺诈行为。
So, first of all eligible plaintiffs have filed lawsuits is a prerequisite. 因此,首先具备原告资格无疑是提起诉讼的先决条件。
Plaintiffs are seeking compensation for alleged antitrust abuses such as telephone bills that are too high a common target for litigation in the West. 原告指控被告的多种行为违反了反垄断法,例如数额过高的电话费账单这在西方社会是常见的诉讼理由并据此要求获得赔偿。
Yahoo has agreed to cover the legal costs of the plaintiffs but said details of the settlement were confidential. 雅虎同意支付原告的法律费用,但表示对和解协议的具体内容保密。
The plaintiffs had done nothing to specify which of these alternatives should be considered. 原告们并未具体指出哪一种替代方案应该得到考虑。