The shadows and the generations, the shrill doctors and the plangent wars, go by into ultimate silence and emptiness; 那些阴暗的幽灵和已逝的世代、尖声叫喊的博士和轰轰烈烈的战争,都已销声匿迹,成为虚无。
His 1777 draft of the Virginia Statute on religious toleration is plangent in its fierce refusal to allow government any role in interference with freedom to think or worship how and where one wishes. 他于1777年执笔的弗吉尼亚宗教自由法(virginiastatuteonreligioustoleration)草案,掷地有声地反对政府以任何方式干涉思想自由以及干涉个人选择何地与何种方式信教的自由。
Once more he played those plangent chords. 他再次拨动了那些深沉悲凉的琴弦。
The Thorn Birds is a magnificent saga novel, telling the life experiences and emotional courses of three generations in Cleary family. It is a plangent love story with the theme of love and fate. 《荆棘鸟》是一部气势宏伟的家世小说,讲述了克利里家族三代人的生活经历和情感历程,是一个以爱和命运为主题的凄美爱情故事。