Research in In Planta Transformation Methods and Their Applications and Prospects in Brassica napus 整株转化法及其在油菜上的应用与展望
Using the utility model scanning planta is true, accurate, convenient and efficient. 用本实用新型对足底扫描,真实、准确、便捷、高效。
The distinction of the cutaneous vascular network between palm and planta under scanning electron microscopy 扫描电镜下手掌足遮部皮肤血管网的区别
Genetic transformation with the in planta method has greatly promoted researches of functional genomics in model plant, Arabidopsis. 用inplanta方法进行遗传转化极大地促进了模式植物拟南芥的功能基因组研究,但在农作物中仍少有inplanta的成功报道。
The concentration of 230 000 antigen was highest in the skin of upper chest, abdomen and the flexor aspect of thigh, and lowest in the scalp and planta. 230000抗原在胸腹和大腿屈侧含量最高,头皮和足跖最低。
Planta voltage-gated sodium channel involving in plant salt tolerance 电压依赖性钠离子通道参与植物抗盐过程
The architectonics of blood vessels in the skin and superficial and deep fascia of planta under scanning electron microscope 扫描电镜下足底皮肤及浅、深筋膜血管构筑
Methods The methods include ① the hot-plate procedure,② the writhing procedure, ③ the ear swelling induced with xylene, and ④ the planta swelling induced with albumin. All of the methods were used to study the analgesic and antiinflammatory actions of NAO LIU XIAO capsule. 方法①热板法,②扭体法,③二甲苯诱发小鼠耳廓肿胀法,④卵蛋白诱发大鼠足跖肿胀法,研究脑瘤消胶囊的抗炎止痛作用。
Results Ten days after the operation, the number of distal nerve fibers was significantly smaller in the control group than in the therapeutic group ( P < 0.01); the reaction to planta stimulation appeared earlier and the leg action recovered faster in the therapeutic group. 结果术后10d,对照组术侧远端神经纤维数量比治疗组明显减少(P<0.01),治疗组术侧足底刺激出现早,肢体活动恢复快。
Plant Lectins and Anti-insect Genetic Engineering In vitro and planta bioassays of engineered endophytic bacteria in cotton with cotton bollworms 植物凝集素与抗虫基因工程棉花抗虫工程菌对棉铃虫的离体及活体生物测定
In vitro and planta bioassays of engineered endophytic bacteria in cotton with cotton bollworms Population Dynamics and Insecticidal Gene Stability of Engineered Endophytic Bacteria in Cotton 棉花抗虫工程菌对棉铃虫的离体及活体生物测定抗虫工程菌在棉株内的动态变化和抗虫基因分化率研究
Technique of Agrobacterium-mediated Gene Transformation by In Planta Vacuum Infiltration in Brassica juncea 芥菜植株原位真空渗入遗传转化技术
Fibers cells are the longest cells in planta. 棉纤维细胞是迄今为止发现的最长的植物细胞。
Conclusion Local peripheral administration of Lornoxicam has analgesic effect on the rat's planta in the second phase of a formalin test model; the mechanism involved is mainly local, but not systemic. 结论局部外周应用氯诺昔康对大鼠福尔马林致痛模型的第二相有镇痛效应,此效应主要为局部效应而非全身效应。
CONCLUSION: Experimental results show that intrathecal pretreatment with diazepam can suppress persistent somatic pain induced by formaldehyde injection in planta of rats, and these data are insignificant in clinical application. 结论:实验结果显示鞘内注射地西泮可以抑制大鼠足底注射甲醛引起的持续性躯体痛,其数据无临床应用意义。
Improvement on the reverse transplantation of island skin flap in the medial planta 足底内侧岛状皮瓣逆行移植的技术改进
Two K-wires was passed through calcaneus to talus from planta. 为保持距舟、距跟关节的稳定,经足底由跟骨向距骨交叉穿2枚克氏针。
Nursing of planta pedis malignant melanoma excision with regional flap transfer 足底恶性黑色素瘤切除皮瓣转位修补术的护理
Progresses in the Studies of Biological Bases of Starch Phosphorylation in Planta 植物体内淀粉磷酸化的生物学研究进展
Several wheat cultivars were transformed in planta by Agrobacterium tumefaciens and numbers of transformants were gained. 利用农杆菌介导的小麦活体转化技术转化多个小麦品种,得到一定数量的小麦转化体植株。
That is why, in planta detoxification of PAHs is very important to ensure food safety. 这就是为什么研究对多环芳烃的解毒作用,从而确保食品安全的重要性。
Recently, it was also found that HO exhibited important functions in planta. 最近的研究发现HO在植物体内也发挥着重要的作用。
Recently, it has been proven by many researches that HO was able to modulate plant tolerance against some abiotic stresses in planta. 近年来,HO参与植物对多种非生物胁迫的调节作用已被初步证实。
Soybean oil is the most important vegetable oil in China and the world; mean while, soy meal is the main source of planta protein for Animal husbandry. 大豆油是国际上和中国的主要食用油来源,而豆粕是目前全球植物蛋白最重要的来源。
Screened on genotype, hormones and other conditions, we established an efficient regeneration pyrethrum system and studied on planta transformation of different conditions. 通过对基因型、激素种类等条件的比较研究,建立了除虫菊的稳定高效再生体系,并对除虫菊原位转化的一些条件进行了初探。