One crowd favorite generated from Watson's mind was a tasty version of fish and chips using ceviche and fried plantains. 其中一款由沃森创造出的受人追捧的菜肴是美味版本的炸鱼和炸薯条(fishandchips),它是用酸橘汁腌鱼和油炸芭蕉制成。
Bananas, including plantains, fresh or dried. 鲜或干的香蕉,包括芭蕉。
Around noon it is opened with a spade to reveal tender leaf-wrapped yams, taros plantains and other vegetables as well as shellfish, fish cooked in coconut cream, chickens and perhaps a roast pig. 中午时分,人们用铁锹把覆盖物挖开后,便露出嫩树叶包裹的薯蓣、野芋、大蕉果和其它蔬菜,以及贝壳类动物、用椰子油烹制的鱼类、鸡,可能还有一头烤猪。
She waits by the fire making plantains. 她在火旁边织车前草边等你。
Dates, plantains and total grapes are also included in the total fruit figures, while olives are excluded. 枣、大蕉和全部的葡萄也包括在水果总量数据中,但油橄榄除外。
In the Chinese-run cafes around the buildings they eat plantains and fufu as well as rice. 在附件中国人开的小餐馆里吃米饭,也吃炸香蕉和麸麸饼。
When the people left their huts he would steal in and make off with their plantains or fish. 当人们离开小屋,它就会悄悄地进来,偷走芭蕉或是鱼肉。
According to the analysis of some characteristic chromosomes, the single genome of the bananas probably come from the BB wild banana. The three genomes of the plantains are very homologous. 通过对一些特征染色体的分析,推测这种香蕉的单染色体组很可能来自BB野生蕉、大蕉的3个染色体组之间表现出较高的同源性。
The experiments showed that the reed bed system, cattail bed system and Herba plantains bed system all had the ability to purify nitrogen. 实验表明,芦苇系统、香蒲系统、车钱草系统和无植物系统均对水中低质量浓度的N具有净化效果。