Conclusion Plasmodial aldolase has been successfully expressed and purified, and the established hybridoma cell lines can secrete McAbs specific to the aldolase of P.falciparum. 结论本实验构建并表达了重组疟原虫糖酵解醛缩酶,并获得特异性的单克隆抗体。
Effects of Kupffer's cell activity on traping of plasmodial sporozoites and on their passing through hepatic sinus walls 枯氏细胞活性对疟原虫子孢子的拘留和对其穿越肝血窦壁的作用
RESULTS: The incorporation of [ 3H] ethanolamine into the P.yoelii infected erthrocytes was markedly inhibited by nitroquine. The plasmodial membrane polarization and viscosity were significantly increased by nitroquine. 结果:硝喹明显抑制[3H]-乙醇胺掺入约氏疟原虫,并增高约氏疟原虫膜荧光偏振度和微粘度。