Prokaryotes lack organelles such as nucleoli, mitochondria, plastids, Golgi apparatus, and do not exhibit cyclosis. The atrophic glands hae scant cytoplasm and hyperchromatic nuclei with occasional punctate nucleoli. 原核生物无细胞器,如核仁、线粒体、质体、高尔基体等,不出现胞质环流。萎缩腺体内细胞的胞浆含量少,核浓染,偶尔可见斑点状核仁。
And then the plastids keep on doing what they do, which is convert sunlight to usable energy. 然后这些叶绿体继续它们的本职工作&将阳光转化为可用的能量。
In addition, development of the mitochondria, Golgi apparatus, lipid bodies, plastids and endoplasmic reticulum was deferred in the mutant pollen. 另外,在突变体花粉中,线粒体、高尔基体、脂肪体、质体和内质网的发育都被延迟。
The chalazal cell in the dyad contains many organelles, and mitochondria and plastids showing regular shapes, considered a sign of the end of redifferentiation. 合点端的二分体细胞中细胞器丰富,线粒体和质体的形态正常,表明完成了再分化。
Plastids convert sunlight, water and carbon dioxide into usable nutrients. 叶绿体将阳光、水分和二氧化碳转化成可用的养料。
Usually, plants perform photosynthesis by way of tiny organelles called plastids. 通常,植物是靠一种叫做叶绿体的纤小细胞器完成光合作用的。
In addition, plant cells contain plastids that utilize light energy to manufacture carbohydrates in the process of photosynthesis. 除此之外,植物细胞包含着在光合作用中利用光能产生二氧化碳的质体。
Design and application of dual plastids vibration ore feeder in gold mines 双质体振动放矿机在黄金矿山的设计与应用
Phase II, plastids go on dividing, plastid and nuclear genes for the photosynthetic apparatus and Calvin cycle are active; 第二阶段,质体继续分裂,光合器和卡尔文循环所需的核基因处于活性状态;
During microspore vacuolization, their ribosomes declined in quantity again and their mitochondria and plastids became simplified in their structures; 小孢子液泡化过程中核糖体再次减少,同时线粒体和质体结构简化;
In bicellular pollens at the early stage the ribosomes increased in quantity and the mitochondria and plastids differentiated in their structure once again. 在早期二胞花粉中,核糖体数量增加、线粒体和质体结构再度分化。
The plastids generation of cotyledon cells of lotus from 4 days after fertilization continue till about 21 days. 莲胚子叶细胞中质体的产生从受精后的4d左右一直延续到21d左右。
During male gametophyte development, evident change occurred in the plastids of the vegetative cytoplasm. 在雄配子体发育过程中,营养细胞中的质体发生明显的变化。
The ultrastructure of the plastids in rf petals were examined. 对活体和离体系统的rf花瓣中叶绿体结构进行观察。
In plastids from plant roots, the phosphate translocator also transports. C4和CAM植物叶绿体中的磷酸运转器除了上面提到的代谢物以外还运输PEP,植物根质体中磷酸运转器也运输G6P。
A dedifferentiation of mitochondria and plastids in structure in microspore mother cells was observed at from diplonema/ diakinesis to metaphase ⅰ, then a redifferentiation at dyad stage. 在小孢子母细胞减数分裂过程中,有核糖体数量存在逐渐减少的现象,质体和线粒体结构在双线期/终变期和中期趋于简化;
Abundance of plastids, mitochondria, microtubules and single membrane bounded vesicles could be visualized in each sperm cell, however, endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus were scarce. 两个精细胞的细胞质中均含有丰富的细胞器,包括质体、线粒体、小泡及微管,内质网和高尔基体稀少。
Plastids were spherical and/ or rod shaped containing 1~ 2 large starch grains. 质体含1~2个较大淀粉粒。
Polyphenol oxidase ( PPO) is a ubiquitous copper metalloprotein in the plastids of many plants, fungi and insects. 多酚氧化酶(Polyphenoloxidase,PPO)是一类普遍存在于植物、真菌和昆虫质体中,由核基因编码,能与铜相结合的金属蛋白酶。
A pattern of increased plastids are the plastids division. 质体的分裂是质体数目增加的一种方式。
During the different stages of nectary development, the endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi bodies, plastids and mitochondria in the cells of the nectariferous tissues changes regularly. 在蜜腺发育过程中,产蜜组织细胞内的内质网、高尔基体、质体和线粒体以及液泡都发生有规律变化。
At the anthesis, starch grains accumulate in the plastids, the mitochondria have some more distinct cristae, and the Golgi bodies produce plenty of vesicles. 开花时,质体内有较大的淀粉粒,线粒体分化出较明显的嵴,高尔基体周围小泡丰富。
Many endoplasmic reticulums and plastids are present at microsporocyte stage. 小孢子母细胞时期内质网和质体较多;
The First Exploration of the Properties and Laws of Mutation Plastids Transmiting with Cell Division 突变质体随细胞分裂而传递的性质和规律初探
When the generative cell became free in the vegetative cytoplasm, the plastids degenerated completely within the generative cell. 当生殖细胞游离在营养细胞质中时,质体在生殖细胞中完全退化消失。
These changes mainly affected the plastids, the vacuolar compartment, the cell wall and the nucleus. 这些变化主要影响质体、液泡室、细胞壁和细胞核。
At the formative stage, the number of plastids, mitochondria and Golgi bodies in the cytoplasm increased. 在树脂道形成阶段,上皮细胞内质体数量增多,质体内所含淀粉粒也增加。
Plastid division is affected in the shoot apical meristem of or homozygous mutant, and only one or two large plastids were observed in a cell. Plastid development in leaves is normal. or纯合突变体顶端分生组织质体分裂发育受到影响,细胞中仅存在一到两个较大的有色体,但叶片质体发育正常。
Anther cells of maintainers had a number of organelles with divided plastids and developed endoplasmic reticulum and with clear and developed mitochondrial membrane system. 保持系花药细胞内细胞器丰富,具有分裂的质体和发达的内质网结构,线粒体内膜系统发达清晰。
In the formatting course of PSI and Lhc, the plastids have little function, which is mainly regulated by nucleus gene expression. 4. 在PSI和Lhc的形成过程,质体基因表达的调控作用较小,主要受细胞核基因表达的调控。