Based on plastoelasticity mechanics and surrounding rock-supporting principle, the stability of shaft was analyzed, and calculation formula of stress, displacement and support thickness were derived. 根据弹塑性力学及围岩-支护相互作用原理,分析了竖井稳定性,推导了竖井围岩与支护的应力、位移以及支护厚度的计算公式。
Virtual prototype; Ejection system; Dynamics of multibody system; Plastoelasticity; Dynamic simulation; Finite element method ( FEM); 虚拟样机;弹射机构;多体系统动力学;弹塑性力学;动力学仿真;有限元;
Non-moment theory in plastoelasticity was utilized to analyze the stress state and failure mode of thin wall containers in the service, such as pressure vessel. The reason of the failure was found. 根据压力容器等一些薄壁容器,在工程实际中的破坏形式,按照弹塑性力学中的薄壁壳体的无矩理论,对其破坏时的应力进行分析,找出破坏原因。
Then, based on physical property ( magnetostriction) of ferromagnetic materials of electric machines, the conception of density of strain energy, quoted from the theory of plastoelasticity, was introduced to describe the magnetic forces of magnetostriction phenomenon. 引入弹性力学理论中的应变能密度概念,从能量守恒和功能转换的角度描述了表征磁致伸缩现象的磁场力。
Meanwhile the plastic deformation failure criteria of gear are discussed based on the shakedown limit analysis model of plastoelasticity mechanics. 同时基于弹塑性力学的安定极限分析模型,对齿轮接触的塑性变形失效准则进行探讨。