Adsorption of zinc powders on surface of work pieces playes an important part in the process of mechanical plating, the strengthening and stabilizing adsorptions can increase the speed of deposition. 机械镀锌工艺中起关键作用的是锌粉团在工件上的吸附、强化和稳定这一过程可以提高沉积速度。
As the main body of innovation, the enterprise science association playes an important role on the enterprise development and technological progress. 企业科协作为企业技术创新、自主创新的主体,在企业发展、促进技术进步中发挥了重要力量。
Cash is the most liquid asset and is the lowest profitable asset, it playes an important role in corporate finance. 现金是公司中流动性最强的资产,同时也是获利最低的资产,在公司财务中起着重要的作用。
Esterifying enzyme-engineering techniques playes important roles in the production of traditional liquors and flavor-crossing liquors. 酯化酶工程技术在传统白酒和串香白酒生产中起着重要作用。
Wind load is the dominant force on large-span structure, and the identification of wind load playes an important part in the health monitoring for large-span structure, so wind load identification of large-span structure is valuable in theory and engineering application. 风荷载是大跨结构的控制荷载,风荷载的识别在大跨结构健康监测中占有重要地位,所以对大跨结构的风荷载识别进行研究具有重要的理论意义和工程应用价值。
The T-S phase diagram of working substance is very important for cycle simulation, design and analysis. The relative location of cycle process lines and the saturation curve of the T-S phase diagram playes an important role in the design of the equipment and operation of the system. 工质的T&S相图在循环模拟、设计和分析中发挥着十分重要的作用,循环的路径与相图的饱和状态线之间的相对位置关系,对整个系统的运行状态和设备的设计选型有很大影响。
WTHZConclusion: WTBZCT scan can display the panc re as and around changes of Acute and Necrosis Pancreatitis, it playes an important role in diagnosing and treatment. 结论:CT扫描能清楚显示急性坏死性胰腺炎胰腺及周围组织结构的改变,对急性坏死性胰腺炎并发症的诊断和治疗随访有重要价值。
Runoff generation in catchments is a dynamic and complicated hillslope hydrological process, it playes an important part in the formation and modelling of hydrological and environmental processes. 流域产流是一个动态的复杂的山坡水文过程,它在水文及水环境过程的形成与模拟中占有相当重要的地位。
Comprehand the fuel pump system thoroughly, including the main component and work theory of electronic injection system, the role that the fuel pump playes in the electronic injection system, the construction and work charactor of oil supply pump. 深入探讨了燃油泵系统,包括电喷系统的主要元件结构和工作原理、燃油泵在电子喷射系统中的作用以及出油座组件结构及工作特性分析。
Conclusion BK playes a regulatory role in the production and release of MEK and LEK in vitro. 结论在体外BK对MEK、LEK的产生和释放起调节作用。
In addition, this thesis summarizes the Carboniferous oil and gas abundance law of Junggar Basin and assesses seven playes as favorable prospect areas for exploration. 此外,该文总结了准噶尔盆地内石炭系油气富集规律,并评价出7个区带为有利勘探远景区。
The sulphur input through groundwater playes an important role in sulphur balance under a special hydrological and climatic conditions. 在一定的水文条件和气候条件下,地下水中的硫对农田生态系统中硫平衡起重要作用。
The silo playes an important part in the grain storing, handling and processing. 筒仓在粮食储运及加工过程中有着极其重要的作用。
Conclusion Sensitivity of vascular smooth muscle to calcium following hemorrhagia displays a biphasic change. It playes important roles in biphasic vascular reactivity. 结论失血性休克血管平滑肌细胞存在钙敏感性的双相变化,血管平滑肌细胞钙敏感性双相变化在失血性休克血管反应性的双相变化中起重要作用。
The content of traditional ethnic sports determines the vitality of the national minorities traditional sports games. traditional ethnic minority sports, reflection playes a notable role in promoting its development. 少数民族传统体育项目的内涵决定着全国少数民族传统体育运动会的生命力,少数民族传统体育运动会作为反映少数民族传统体育发展的最高形式,对少数民族体育事业起到了显著的促进作用。
The calibration playes an important role in X Y caliper logging. 刻度在X-Y井径仪测井中是必不可少的工序。
In national student loans, the main function of university is as both an organizer for banks and guide for students. What it playes in fact is the role of a kind of credit intermediary. 高校在国家助学贷款这一信用贷款中主要是作为组织者和引导者,相对于银行是组织者,相对于学生来说是引导者,其实质上起的是一种信用中介的作用。
The relay vehicle in the electronic scene program playes the very major role, but high expense prevented many cities county level television station. 电视转播车在电子现场节目制作(EFP)中能够发挥很大的作用,但购买标准转播车的高额费用,让很多地(市)县级电视台望而却步。
Therefore G6PDH playes important roles in the growth and development of plants. 因此,G6PDH对植物的生长发育起着非常重要的作用。
Having aid of science and technology and special knowledge, judicial authentication is a major means to solve some specialistic problem related to case, and it playes the special and irreplaceable part in the lawsuit. 司法鉴定是借助科学技术和专门知识,解决与案件有关的某些专门性问题的主要手段,它在诉讼中起着其他手段无法替代的作用。
Mastery-approach and performance-avoid goal orientation playes the complete intermediary role between future goal and academic procrastination. 掌握趋近目标和成绩回避目标在未来时间洞察力和学业拖延之间起到完全中介作用。
The texture is a very important visual property of the object surface, the surface of different objects will generate different texture, it playes an important role in object recognition and image analysis. 纹理是物体表面的一个十分重要的视觉属性,不同物体的表面则会产生不同的纹理影像,它在物体的识别和图像分析中都起了重要的作用。
Elaborate courses resource website is thereby the windows of elaborate course constrction and comment. It is a main means to issue and share elaborate course resources and playes an important role in the process of elaborate courses constrction. 精品课程资源网站则是精品课程建设和评价的窗口,是精品课程资源发布与共享的主要途径,在精品课程建设过程中起着至关重要的作用。
The liver is the largest gland in the fish and it playes an important role in material metabolism, detoxification, blood coagulation and defense. 肝脏是鱼体最大的腺体,在物质代谢、解毒、凝血和防御等生命活动过程中起着至关重要的作用。
Through the description of the reconstruction in local transmission network of Taiyuan unicom, passingly, explain the principle and the functional characteristics of ASON. Ultimately, expounds ASON technology playes a very important role in the communication network transformation and fusion. 通过对太原联通本地传输网改造的描述,并对ASON网的原理、功能特性等进行了阐述,说明ASON技术在通信网络转型及融合中发挥了非常重要的作用。
As a new economic power, It playes an increasingly important role in the national economy. 作为新生的经济力量,中小企业在国民经济发展中发挥的作用越来越显著。