She playfully rubs suntan lotion on his neck. 她开玩笑地把防晒露擦到他脖子上。
When parents use sarcasm to playfully tease their young children, do the kids see the humour? 当父母使用讥讽的言辞拿他们年幼的孩子来开玩笑的时候,孩子们能体会到其中的幽默吗?
He jumped to his feet and when he brought grass for the horse it made friendly noises and playfully pushed him. 当他为马抱来草料时,马发出了友好的叫声,顽皮地拱拱他,和他戏耍。
To Pat or squeeze fondly or playfully, especially under the chin. 天真或顽皮地轻拍或压挤,特指拍下巴。
As I walked down the slope towards the beach, in my mind's eyes I could still vividly envision the playfully sublime look on her face her gentle smile and communicative eyes even if ten years had passed. 当我沿着斜坡下山走向海滩,在我的脑海里,我依旧能生动地回想起她脸上那顽皮而矜持的神情她那温柔的微笑和会说话的眼睛尽管十年已经过去了。
He once playfully threatened to torch regulators 'headquarters if he did not have his way. 他曾经开玩笑说,如果他达不到目的,就放火烧掉监管机构的总部大楼。
The little child took her ear between her thumb and forefinger and tugged it playfully. 小孩用大拇指和食指捏住她的耳朵,拉着玩。
Snow pressed into a ball for throwing ( playfully). 团成球来向别人扔的雪。
One who is playfully mischievous. 爱恶作剧、淘气的孩子。
Pinch a child's face playfully 玩笑般地拧了一下小孩的脸蛋
Such mistakes are playfully called "Fat Finger Disease". 这些手工输入时犯的错误就被戏称为“胖手指病”。
These depict atrocious acts of violence, carefully and playfully reconstructed with miniature and life-size figures. 这个描绘暴力凶残的作品被精心和玩笑式的重构成人形大小及微型的雕塑。
The little blue fish bubbled playfully, as he tucked the shiny scale in among his blue ones. 小蓝鱼开心地吐出了一串泡泡。把闪光鳞贴到了自己那蓝色的鳞片当中。
He pinched the bady's cheek playfully. 他捏着宝宝的脸颊逗着玩。
Henry leaned forward and tweaked my ear playfully. 亨利往前一靠,开玩笑地拧了拧我的耳朵。
His brother cuffed him playfully round the head. 他弟弟顽皮地在他头部轻轻敲了一通。
He grasped her wrist playfully. 他开玩笑地抓住她的手腕。
Yesterday, after slipping the rubber band off the rolled up newspaper, Scott flipped it playfully at me: this led to an all-out war. 昨天,在把捆报纸堆的橡皮圈弄掉后,斯科特嬉戏着把它扔到了我的身上,而这引起了我们之间的“战争”。
She nibbled my ear lobe playfully. 她嬉戏地轻轻咬我的耳垂。
Said the mother half playfully; The hen ate the grains of corn on the ground. 母亲半开玩笑地说;母鸡啄食地上的谷粒。
He pinched the child's check playfully. 他开玩笑地掐了下孩子的脸蛋。
She loosened the half-hoop of diamonds on her left hand third finger and held it out to him playfully. 她取下左手中指上的半环形钻石戒指,开玩笑地递给了他。
Walter playfully put his foot out and tripped his sister up. 活尔特顽皮地伸出一只脚,几乎把他姐姐绊倒。
In a playfully teasing manner. 以一种开玩笑地嘲弄的方式。
She nibbled his ears playfully. 她轻轻咬他的耳朵玩。
She tweaked his ear playfully. 她拧他的耳朵玩儿。
He playfully assumed an air of indifference. 他开玩笑地装出一副漠不关心的样子。
She playfully inspected Martin's hand and told his fortune. 她闹着玩,看马丁的手给他算命。
I may appear to be extraordinary, a doer of famous things. I may appear playfully as that. 我可能有非凡的、举世闻名的显现,我可能会以此形态玩世。
After a few days of orientation and mingling, we became good friends, exchanging jokes and playfully picking on each other. 经过几天的熟悉和交往之后,我们成了好朋友,开始互相讲笑话,彼此开玩笑。