ADJ (尤指历史上早期的)平民,庶民 A person, especially one from an earlier period of history, who is plebeian, comes from a low social class.
In the 1790s Tom Paine taught plebeian radicals that mankind would live in harmony were it not for the vested interest which princes, diplomats and soldiers had in promoting wars to enrich themselves. 汤姆·潘恩在18世纪90年代教育平民激进分子时论述到,如果不是为了实现王公、外交官和士兵借发起战争而使自己富有的潜在利益,人类本会生活在和谐之中。
ADJ-GRADED 平庸的;市井的;粗俗的 If someone describes something as plebeian, they think that it is unsophisticated and connected with or typical of people from a low social class.
...a philosophy professor with a cockney accent and an alarmingly plebeian manner... 一口伦敦土腔、举止粗俗不堪的哲学教授
He spent all day playing rackets on the beach, a plebeian sport if there ever was one. 他一整天都在海滩玩壁球,再没有比这更不入流的运动了。
In the 1790s Tom Paine taught plebeian radicals that mankind would live in harmony were it not for the vested interest which princes, diplomats and soldiers had in promoting wars to enrich themselves. 汤姆·潘恩在18世纪90年代教育平民激进分子时论述到,如果不是为了实现王公、外交官和士兵借发起战争而使自己富有的潜在利益,人类本会生活在和谐之中。
He spent all day playing rackets on the beach, a plebeian sport if there ever was one. 他一整天都在海滩玩壁球,再没有比这更不入流的运动了。
This displacement, which places the "elegant" name on the plebeian and the rustic name on the aristocrat, is nothing else than an eddy of equality. “高雅”的名字移到平民身上,村野的名字移到贵人身上,那样的交流只能说是平等思想激荡的后果。
"It was already thronged with the craftsmen and other plebeian inhabitants of the town, in considerable numbers;" 那地方已然挤满了数量可观的工匠和镇上的其他黎民百姓
Chinese television drama of plebeian relating with its special emotion content acts an important role in the Chinese television drama fields. 平民化电视剧以其独特的情感内涵,在中国电视领域扮演着重要的角色。
He had gone back to his rather plebeian job. 他又回去做他那相当低贱的工作了。
His death last week at his home near Salzburg at81 left the world of music a paler, more plebeian place. 上周,年已81岁的卡拉扬在他萨尔斯堡的家中溘然长逝,不能不使得他身后的音乐界黯然失色。
The common people in those days suffered greatly; behavior that branded him as common; his square plebeian nose; a vulgar and objectionable person; the unwashed masses. 在那个时代平民大众非常受罪;为他留下平民烙印的行为;他扁平而普通的鼻子;一个粗俗而讨厌的人;乌合之众。
I had always felt aversion to my uncourtly patronymic, and its very common, if not plebeian praenomen. 我一向讨厌自己这个庸俗的姓,这个非常普通的名字,就算不是平民百姓的名字也罢。
Because iron has a plebeian temperament. 这是因为铁元素有一种平民性。
Though Joycean time is gone, but his everlasting works with the medium of comic sense will attract more people because comedy is born plebeian. 尽管乔伊斯的时代已经过去,但是,他的传世作品和他的喜剧艺术仍然有待于深入解读。
Marxist's thought on Form of Government carries on macro-politeia view in the Western political tradition, which practice wandered between the plebeian politeia and the elite's. 马克思主义政体思想继承了西方传统中既强调政治制度,又强调社会结构的大政体观,其政体实践徘徊于巴黎公社式平民政体与苏联式精英政体之间。
The tender construction and the plebeian relating& the analysis of Chinese television drama of plebeian relating Riding Alone for Thousands of Miles in the Context of Globalization 温情构造平实讲述解析中国平民化电视剧全球化语境下的温情演绎《千里走单骑》的审美文化分析
Chinese clan institution experiences three periods in the history: the patriarchal clan period in the Western Zhou Dynasty, the aristocracy period from the Eastern Han Dynasty to the middle of the Tang Dynasty, the plebeian clan period since the Song Dynasty. 在历史上,中国的宗族制度大体经历了三个阶段:西周的宗法制阶段,东汉至唐中叶的士族、世族阶段,宋以来的庶民宗族阶段。
Plebeian consciousness has picked up momentum in literary creation in recent years. 近二十年的全方位改革引发了平民阶层在当代中国社会的重新聚合,平民意识在近年来的文学创作中逐渐强化。
On the Tribune Plebeian of Ancient Rome 试论古罗马的保民官
Finally, the descriptions of the official doting and the plebeian canniness reflect the different judicial wisdom of the authorities and plebs. 最后,对官吏昏聩和庶民狡黠的描写则反映出官民之间不同的司法智慧。
His lyric art is explored according to his dense plebeian consciousness, multi-angled organization of a group poems, and multicolored lyric skills. 关于储诗的抒情艺术,本文从抒情主体浓郁的平民意识,多层次多角度的组诗抒情形式,异彩纷呈的抒情技巧三点展开。
Sima Qian and Plebeian Liu Bang 司马迁与微时刘邦
Therefore, Zhu Xi's philosophy in Japan was annotated as every class even plebeian different ethical culture in Japanese society and took on diversity and plebeian features. 因此,日本朱子学被具体诠释成日本社会各个层次乃至庶民的不同伦理文化,而呈现出多样性和庶民化的特点。
Corresponding, it dues to a lot of unhealthy effects such as speculating in the real estate market is serious, the utilizing of land resources is unreasonable, house prices are beyond the buying abilities of plebeian inhabitants. 相应的也产生很多不良影响,房地产市场投机严重、土地资源利用不合理、房价超出普通居民承受能力等等。
At the same time, it shows perfect wisdom in common residence through description of plebeian life, and finally provides a train of thought to develop livable cities and towns. 同时,通过对平民生活的摹写,展示平凡住居中的超凡智慧,为开发宜居城镇提供思路。
Under Principate, the political organizations of the republic such as the Senate, Plebeian Assembly and the Magistracy led by the two consuls were preserved. However, this system is centered at a newly-emerged figure, the Princeps. 在元首体制下,共和制的各种政治机构如元老院、人民大会、以执政官为代表的共和官僚体系仍然存在,但是在这其中居于核心地位的是新出现的元首。
The modern Chinese literature in the market economy operation, was changed by the brim, gradually from the political, official literature into a mass-market, plebeian literature. 在市场经济高速运转的现代中国,文学被边缘化了,逐渐从政治化、官方化的文学转变为大众化、平民化的文学。
The text is divided into three chapters: The first chapter analysis the social background of plebeian poets in three aspects: imperial examination system, social economy and thought of Wang Yangming. 正文部分分为三章:第一章分析中晚明布衣诗人产生的社会背景,主要从科举制度、社会经济、心学思想三个方面进行探讨。
In the Middle-late Ming dynasty, plebeian-poet-group is a very conspicuous poets group which has a huge numbers of works and members. Tu Long firstly proposed "poetry in plebeian poet" in late Ming dynasty. 中晚明布衣诗人是明代诗坛上一个十分引入注目的诗人群体,他们的群体成员众多,诗歌作品数量庞大,晚明屠隆首次提出了诗在布衣的观点。
Popular Tai-language movie themes, close to the people, is a reflection of plebeian culture. 台语电影题材通俗,贴近民众,是庶民文化的一种体现。
The introduction part briefly introduces the origin of plebeian poets, field of study and significance. 引言部分简要介绍布衣的源流,并对论文的研究范围和研究意义进行界定。