Pleuropulmonary fibrosis after long-term treatment with the dopamine agonist pergolide for Parkinson disease 长期使用多巴胺受体激动剂培高利特治疗帕金森病所致胸膜肺纤维化
Pleuropulmonary blastoma in children: report of 1 case 小儿巨大胸膜肺母细胞瘤1例报告
CT features of pleuropulmonary blastoma in children 小儿胸膜肺胚细胞瘤的CT表现
132 cases of pleuropulmonary SLE were reported. 本文报道132例全身性红斑狼疮(SLE)的肺部与胸膜表现,包括7例尸检确诊者。
Conclusion: Pleuropulmonary blastoma in children is a rare malignant neoplasm, which is quite different from adult in histology, genetic, clinical evidence and prognosis. Misdiagnosis is frequent. 结论小儿肺母细胞瘤无论在组织学、遗传学还是在临床表现及预后与成人肺母细胞瘤(PB)有明显不同,是一种少见的极易误诊的儿童期恶性肿瘤。
Conclusion Pleuropulmonary blastoma is an embryonic malignant tumor which is rare in children. CT is the preferred method for the early diagnosis and the observation of the changes of the lesions. 结论小儿PPB是儿童期少见的胚胎性恶性肿瘤,CT扫描为早期诊断及观察病变变化的首选方法。
Pleuropulmonary manifestations of systemic lupus erythematosus 系统性红斑狼疮肺部受累的临床表现
Clinical Analysis of 28 cases of pleuropulmonary Amebiasis 胸膜&肺阿米巴病28例临床分析
Pleuropulmonary blastoma in children 小儿胸膜肺母细胞瘤
Objective To summarize the CT features of pleuropulmonary blastoma in children in order to improve the early diagnostic rate. 目的总结小儿胸膜肺胚细胞瘤(pleuropulmonaryblastoma,PPB)的CT表现特点,以提高早期诊断率。