The milling machine under the control of the subroutine can automatically process works of com-plicated forms with accuracy, efficiency and stability. 铣床在该装置控制下,自动加工复杂型面的工件,加工精度、效率高,而且稳定。
However, of the 366 cases with inhalation injury 76 were com-plicated with MOF, an incidence as high as 20.77%, approximately occupying two-thirds of the postburn MOF. 其中366例吸入伤76例发生MOF,发生率达20.77%,占烧伤后MOF总数的2/3。
The ladder-like mesh approximation is used to solve the problem of com-plicated boundary with the favorable result of numerical simulation. 对于复杂边界问题采用了阶梯型网格近似,取得了较好的结果。
That community forestry appraise method was ap-plicated is also the reform of project design, concepts and implementation measures. 在大型项目中开展社区林业评估是项目设计观念和工作方法的大变革。
This NC Pleating machine is not only able to pleat complicated patterns but also able to control the temperature of heat set fabric and to control the length of plicated fabric. 它不仅能打褶出复杂的图案。且能对纤维织品进行热定型温度与计算打皱织品长度的控制。
This paper states the analysis and study of the horizonal flow field of the ground layer over the com-plicated mountainous terrains. 本论文对地形复杂的山区近地层水平流场进行了分析和研究。
The studies of models and algorithms for evaluating cascading faults in com plicated power systems are given. 对评估复杂电力系统连锁反应事故的模型进行了研究。
Formal logics in AI have grown from the simple proposition logic to modal logic series, which are more com-plicated. 形式逻辑已经从简单命题逻辑发展到比较复杂的模态逻辑系列。