VERB 不断供给 If you ply someone with food or drink, you keep giving them more of it.
Elsie, who had been told that Maria wasn't well, plied her with food... 埃尔茜得知玛丽亚身体不适,就不停地给她弄吃的。
The poor priest was plied with drink at a dinner party. 宴会上不断有人给可怜的牧师灌酒。
VERB 不断问;追问 If you ply someone with questions, you keep asking them questions.
Giovanni plied him with questions with the intention of prolonging his stay. 乔瓦尼一个劲儿地问他问题,想要拖住他。
VERB 从事,经营(尤指街头销售或服务) If you ply a trade, you do a particular kind of work regularly as your job, especially a kind of work that involves trying to sell goods or services to people outdoors.
...the market traders noisily plying their wares... 大声吆喝货物的集市商贩
It's illegal for unmarked minicabs to ply for hire. 无标志的电话预订出租车沿街拉客是非法的。
VERB (船、飞机或车辆)定期往返于 If a ship, aircraft, or vehicle plies a route, it makes regular journeys along that route.
Eighteen boats plied the 1,000 miles of river along a trading route... 18艘船沿着贸易航线往返于1,000英里的河面上。
The brightly-coloured boats ply between the islands. 色彩明艳的船只往来于岛屿之间。
Elsie, who had been told that Maria wasn't well, plied her with food 埃尔茜得知玛丽亚身体不适,就不停地给她弄吃的。
The poor priest was plied with drink at a dinner party. 宴会上不断有人给可怜的牧师灌酒。
Giovanni plied him with questions with the intention of prolonging his stay. 乔瓦尼一个劲儿地问他问题,想要拖住他。
Eighteen boats plied the 1,000 miles of river along a trading route 18艘船沿着贸易航线往返于1,000英里的河面上。
The skill with which she plied her needle astounded all who saw her. 她飞针走线的手艺,见者无不惊叹。
Gadget manufacturers, TV makers in particular, have long plied consumers with ever-longer, more complex-sounding technical specifications. 长期以来,电子设备制造商、尤其是电视厂商,习惯于用一大堆日益冗长、听起来日益玄乎的技术名词对消费者狂轰滥炸。
In this Scottish tradition, the bride, groom, or both are taken out on the day before their wedding, plied with alcohol, and covered in treacle, ash, feathers, and flour by friends and family. 苏格兰的某种传统中,新娘、新郎,或者两人都会在婚礼前被朋友和家人拉出去喝酒,然后被涂满糖浆、泥灰、羽毛、面粉之类的东西。
I've plied you with alcohol. 我用酒精安抚了你。
The courier was plied with wine until he fell asleep and his dispatches were then stolen. 信使被人用酒灌得睡着了,他的公文因此被盗。
Yarns are torque-free and therefore produce satisfactory textured single or plied yarns. 制成的纱线不存在扭矩,经过变形的单纱或股线具有较好的性能。
We plied Charlie with questions about his trip round the world. 我们不停地问查理有关他周游世界的问题。
She plied their guests with excellent food. 她不断地给他们的客人端上美味佳肴。
He plied them with his stories. 他用他的传说轶事报答他们。
Again, as in the days of old, the Venetian caravels and the Genoese galleys plied regularly between Alexandria and Famagusta. 和古老的日子一样,威尼斯的快帆船和热那亚的平底船又在亚历山大港和法马古斯塔开始了频繁的交易。
They had plied him with too much drink. 他们灌了他好多酒。
He and Denise were plied with cups of tea and quite a circus ensued. 他们不停地喝茶,随后发生了一场闹剧。
He plied Miss Sun with questions and made all sorts of silly comments. 他向孙小姐问长问短,讲了许多风话。
Over the weekend, I watched MS angle address supporters in a bar in Las Vegas, while scantily clad waitresses plied her supporters with Earl Grey tea and other stronger beverages. 上周末,我观看了安格尔在拉斯维加斯(lasvegas)一间酒吧向支持者发表的讲话,其间衣着清凉的女招待不断地给她的支持者送上格雷伯爵茶和酒精饮料。
They plied me with drink after drink. 他们一杯一杯地灌我。
Dolly plied me with sweets. 多莉不停地给我吃糖。
Research and development of low-twist differential tex plied combed cotton yarn 精梳棉异特合股低捻纱线的研制与开发
As a young man, he had plied the Atlantic on cargo ships. 他在年轻的时候一直乘坐货轮往返于大西洋上。
They plied the lecturer with questions. 他们向讲课者连续不断地提出问题。
Mr. Liu offered me tobacco, wine, and tea, and plied me with numerous questions. 刘先生拿烟,酒,茶来招待我,向我提出无数的问题。
Used for direct twist measurement of single yarn and plied yarn by counting. 用于单纱、股纱等进行直接计数法捻度测定。
Another variation is to entrap short segments of a novelty-effect material into regularly plied base yarns. 另一种方法是在有规律合胶的底纱中加入一小段,即一小段能产生花式效应的材料。
The old woman plied her shuttles. 这位老妇人使用她的梭。
I plied him with questions about his novel. 关于他的小说我向他问个不休。
The girl was fascinated with my watch and we both had fun pulling faces at each other whilst her mother plied me with food-fresh melon, grapes and some kind of seed. 我和她彼此向对方做着有趣的表情,她身旁的妈妈则不停的给我们塞东西吃&新鲜的甜瓜,葡萄和一种豆子。
Bearing this in mind I organized several parties and plied my students with booze. 想到了这一点,我就组织了许多聚会,每次都给我的学生灌酒。