v. 咚地落下; 扑通一声把…放入(尤指液体); (重重地或懒洋洋地)坐下,躺下 plop的过去分词和过去式
N-COUNT; SOUND (某物落入水中而未溅泼的)扑通声,啪嗒声 A plop is a soft, gentle sound, like the sound made by something dropping into water without disturbing the surface much.
Another drop of water fell with a soft plop. 又一滴水嘀嗒一声落下。
VERB 扑通落下;啪嗒落下 If something plops somewhere, it drops there with a soft, gentle sound.
The ice cream plopped to the ground. 冰激凌啪的一声掉地上了。
VERB 轻轻地放下;轻巧地放下 If you plop something somewhere, you drop it there gently and without making a loud noise.
Just plop the noodles over the center of the sauce... 把面条轻放在调味汁中间就行了。
She picked up the coffee pot, then plopped it down and went into the living room. 她拿起咖啡壶,又轻手放下去了客厅。
She picked up the coffee pot, then plopped it down and went into the living room. 她拿起咖啡壶,又轻手放下去了客厅。
She plopped on a leather chair. 她一屁股坐在皮椅上。
A video of him plopped on a brightly-colored toy truck inhaling deeply and happily blowing smoke rings has circulated on the Internet, turning him into a local celebrity. 关于两岁阿尔迪吸烟的视频上周已在网络流传开来,阿尔迪也因此成名。这个著名的视频上,阿尔迪正坐在亮色的玩具卡车上,深深地、开心地吸吐着烟圈。
He's plopped down$ 3.7 million so far to fund the research because he wants a twin to carry on Missys fine qualities after she dies. 到目前为止,他已经投入了370万美金来资助这项研究,因为他想要一个密斯的孪生子在它死后继承其优良品质。
This is a considerably easier task for the monkey than if you just plopped him in a corner and asked him not to move. 这比把它扔在墙角叫它不要动容易许多。
As people settled in, the organizer plopped down a bag of potato chips and tackled housekeeping matters, like soliciting contributions. But she did not insist. 待所有人坐定后,组织者拿出一袋薯片放在桌子上,随即开始处理内部事务,比如募集捐款,但她并没有执意要求。
The fish plopped back into the river. 那鱼扑通一声跃回河中。
The fish plopped back into the river. He leapt headlong into the river. 那鱼扑通一声跃回河中.他扑通一声跳进河里。
One afternoon my husband came home from work to find the house in complete disarray and me plopped in front of the TV. 一天下午,我的丈夫下班回家发现家里全部乱糟糟一片,我坐在电视机前。
So, I plopped myself down on a bench in the middle of the mall, put a blanket on my shoulder and fed my daughter. 于是,我在商场中间的一张凳子上一屁股坐下,往肩上搭了块毯子开始喂奶。
Great big tears plopped into her soup. 大颗的泪珠扑簌扑簌地落进了她的汤碗。
The avenue seemed miles long and the horse, pulling stubbornly at her hand, plopped slower and slower. 林荫道似乎有好几英里长,而她使劲地拖着那骑马却挪动得愈来愈慢了。
He came and plopped down next to me. 他走过来笨重地坐在我旁边。
Finally, a loose bundle of papers plopped on the desk of an instructor probably is not going to be awarded a top grade. 最后,如果漫不经心地把一叠散乱的纸张扔到教授桌上,大概拿不到什麽理想的成绩。
With surprising strength, she dragged him into the house and plopped him down on a chair. 不知从哪里来的力气,她把他拖进屋子,扑通一声按在椅子上。
She seems so out of place here, it's almost as if she's been plopped down from another world. 她觉得在这里很不合适,好像自己是被人从另一个世界扔过来的。
'Don't go on. You'll do just as well as me when the old boy carks it.'A peanut plopped from his mouth onto the table as he spoke and he brushed it onto the floor. “得了吧,当那老家伙烦你的时候,你也会和我一样了”说话间一粒花生米从他的嘴边落在了桌子上,然后又被他撇到了地板上。
These houses are plopped in rows, facing the street, with no regard for local points of views or orientation. 这些房屋并排地拔地而起,正对着街道,没有考虑任何的当地的视点和朝向。
The rain plopped into the puddles. 雨点啪哒地打在水洼里。
The queen grabbed hold of Princess Shireen and pulled her back, her knights reached for their swords, and Patchface reeled away in alarm, lost his footing, and plopped down on his arse in a snowdrift. 王后抓住希琳公主把她往后拉,她的骑士们伸手握住剑柄,弄臣警觉地想跑开,却失去平衡,一屁股摔坐在雪堆上。
She plopped down by the dinner table and told me she managed to dig all the shit out of this man who had renal failure while I was having soup. 我正喝着汤,她猛地坐倒在餐桌旁,告诉我她成功替一个肾衰竭病患将粪便从体内取出。