n. (物体落入水的)扑通声,咚 v. 咚地落下; 扑通一声把…放入(尤指液体); (重重地或懒洋洋地)坐下,躺下 plop的第三人称单数和复数
N-COUNT; SOUND (某物落入水中而未溅泼的)扑通声,啪嗒声 A plop is a soft, gentle sound, like the sound made by something dropping into water without disturbing the surface much.
Another drop of water fell with a soft plop. 又一滴水嘀嗒一声落下。
VERB 扑通落下;啪嗒落下 If something plops somewhere, it drops there with a soft, gentle sound.
The ice cream plopped to the ground. 冰激凌啪的一声掉地上了。
VERB 轻轻地放下;轻巧地放下 If you plop something somewhere, you drop it there gently and without making a loud noise.
Just plop the noodles over the center of the sauce... 把面条轻放在调味汁中间就行了。
She picked up the coffee pot, then plopped it down and went into the living room. 她拿起咖啡壶,又轻手放下去了客厅。
Proof of this plops into my inbox at work at least every hour. 关于这一点的证据,在我工作的时候,至少每个小时都会扑通一声光临我的收件箱。
Luke takes this passage that he finds later in Mark and he moves it and plops it down at the beginning of Jesus'Galilean ministry. 这段原本应在马可福音后半,路加把它提前到了,耶稣加利利布道的开头。
Splash! A big-eyed, bulging bullfrog plops into a pond. “扑通”,一只眼睛又大又突的牛蛙跳进池塘里。