The plotline revolved around the fall of Chas, a minor London gangster. 主要情节是围绕一位名叫查斯的伦敦黑帮小混混如何走向毁灭的过程展开的。
The duo wanted to set their new film in the mainland but didn` t discuss the plotline. Instead, they hung out at restaurants, bars, parks and friends` homes in the capital. 两人想把新片的故事背景设在内地,但却没讨论故事情节,反而一直在北京的餐厅、酒吧、公园和朋友家流连闲逛。
Fans also pointed out that the sponsorship deal did not fit with the plotline, which saw members of the household unable to deal with changes in modern technology. 粉丝们同时指出,Kindle的赞助和故事主线不符。在剧中,主演们无法随着时间发展适应现代的科技。
Still, despite brotherhood's strong starring cast, the actors can't hide the paleness of plotline. 尽管《天堂口》有着强大的影星阵容,但演员们的出色表演还是掩盖不了故事情节的苍白无力。
Explosive plotline set amidst a terrible civil war in Africa. 火爆的游戏舞台被设定在被战乱不断破坏的非洲大陆。
The plotline gives global audiences a chance to see American troops get killed. 情节主线使得全球观众有机会一睹美国军队被杀。
On the contrary: their "solution" to the debt-ceiling impasse sets up a perfect plotline for frequently recurring conflicts around the size of government borrowing. 相反,他们针对债务上限僵局的“解决方案”,为围绕政府借债规模反复频繁地发生冲突建立了极佳的套路。