Comparing and Selecting of Fast Charging Methods of Plumbum Acid Storage Battery; 电动汽车铅酸蓄电池的快速充电技术是电动汽车推向市场的关键之一。
The Study on Fast Measure the Content of Plumbum in Soil by D-T Generator 用D-T中子发生器快速检测土壤中铅含量的方法研究
Determination of the Availability of Plumbum in Agricultural Soil of Baoding District 保定地区农业土壤中有效铅含量的测定
Effects of Plumbum Stress on the Germination and Seedling Growth of Tomato 铅胁迫对番茄种子萌发和幼苗生长的影响
Effect of Plumbum on Activities of Superoxide Dismutase in the Liver and Muscle of the Mussel, Anodonta woodiana 重金属铅对无齿蚌肝脏和肌肉超氧化物歧化酶活性的影响
Study on detection of trace plumbum(ⅱ) in water by two-water phase gas floatation spectrophotometry 双水相气浮浮选光度法测定水中痕量铅的研究
In this paper the optimized conditions of enriching trace plumbum in water on a cylinder of dithizone activated carbon are researched. 本文研究了用活性炭加双硫腙柱富集、分离水中痕量铅的适宜条件。
The relationship between the species, number of oribatid mites and the level of plumbum pollution was explored in this study. 对土壤中甲螨孳生的种群数量与土壤铅污染之间的相互关系进行探讨。
Investigation and estimation of Arsenic, Plumbum and nitrite content of unpackaged preserved vegetables 散装酱腌菜总砷、铅及亚硝酸盐含量的安全性评价
Application of Back-propagation Artificial Neural Network in Speciation of Plumbum and Cadmium in City Soil BP人工神经网络用于城市土壤中重金属(Cd、Pb)形态分析的研究
Allylation Reactions of Aromatic Aldehydes with Plumbum in Aqueous Media 水溶液中金属铅诱发芳香醛的烯丙基化反应
What bronze uses is not brass, but red copper and the alloy of plumbum and stannic. 青铜所用的不是黄铜,是红铜和铅、锡的合金。
A survey on the plumbum level of breast milk in Guangzhou 广州市300例母乳中铅含量的调查研究
Continuous Measurement of Plumbum and Cadmium by Polarographic Analysis in Feed Grade Manganese Sulfate 饲料级硫酸锰中微量铅镉的极谱法连续测定
An Analysis of Pollution of Heavy Metal Plumbum on Typical Industrial Area of Yulin City 玉林市典型工业区重金属铅污染的调查研究
The study showed that the cause of the problem was attributed to the relative shortage in concentration of plumbum dithiocarbamate in the coloring agent. 研究结果表明,产生这种现象的原因在于显色剂中二乙基二硫代氨基甲酸铅数量的相对不足。
The possible reason of higher heavy metal of plumbum and cadmium which can greatly influence pregnant woman and foetus is that they can not been promptly clean because of Liver Injury. 重金属铅和镉对孕妇和胎儿影响极大,升高可能与肝脏的损伤而导致其不能及时清除而滞留在体内有关。
Let's choose Latin, the language of scholarship, and so iron became Fe for ferrum and lead became Pb for plumbum and gold is Au for aurum and so on. 那就选拉丁文吧,用于学术的语言,所以,iron就变成了Fe,表示铁元素,铅变成了,Pb,表示铅元素,金变成了Au,表示金元素,等等。
There are plumbum salts, organic stannum and Ca/ Zn Composite Stabilizer in traditional thermal stabilizer. 传统热稳定剂有铅盐、有机锡、钙锌复合稳定剂。
Measurement Result Analysis of the Trace Plumbum and Trace Arsenic Content in the Cosmetics 化妆品中微量元素铅砷的测定结果分析
Analysis of hemoglobin of mice poisoned with plumbum, arsenic, fluorine before model making 小白鼠建立铅、砷、氟中毒动物模型造模前血红蛋白测定结果分析
Objective The purpose is to compare plumbum acetate and ammonia hydroxide method with the PH and reduction lactose method on application of qualitative lactose measurement in babies 'excrement. 目的试比较醋酸铅氢氧化铵法和PH还原糖法(改良班氏法)在婴幼儿粪便乳糖定性检测中的应用。
Studies on the Contents of Plumbum and Cadmium of the Heavy Metals in Seven Vegetables 7种蔬菜中重金属铅和镉含量的分析研究
This article establishes athwart aqua fortis-high chlorine-hydrofluoric acid decompose method which carry out former treatment, deuterium light emendation background flame atom absorbance analyse copper and plumbum in soil. 本文建立了逆王水-高氯酸-氢氟酸分解法对土壤进行前处理,氘灯校正背景火焰原子吸收法分析土壤中铜和铅的方法。
Several calix [ 4] arene and its derivatives were synthesized and their performance of extracted iron, plumbum& cadmium were studied. 本文合成了杯[4]芳烃及其衍生物,并研究了它们与铁(Ⅲ)、铅(Ⅱ)、镉(Ⅱ)等对人体重要或有害的过渡金属离子的配合性能。
The author proposed a method of determining Plumbum with ion selective eletrode and studied the condition. 本文提出用铅离子选择电极测定饲料中铅含量的方法,并研究了测定条件。
And the SBN thin film can avoid plumbum pollution of PZT ferroelectric material. 而且,SBN在制备过程中能够避免PZT等铁电材料的铅污染的问题。
The effect of lanthanum ions, zinc ion, plumbum ion, copper ion on fluorescence intensity of GSH-OPA had been studied. 2研究了镧系离子和Zn~(2+)、pb~(2+)、Cu~(2+)等离子对GSH-OPA体系荧光强度的影响。
The next pollution is plumbum, cadmium and chrome. 其次是铅和镉,铬的污染较小。
An experimental study is made on the effects of different reagent blanks on the determination of plumbum content in gasoline. 通过大量实验,研究了不同试剂空白对汽油铅含量测定的影响。