The dark rings and wrinkles under my eyes have virtually disappeared, and my skin looks plumper and more nourished. 眼部周围的黑眼圈和皱纹终于消失了,我的皮肤看起来更加饱满莹润了。
Even raw chicken in the grocery store is sometimes'enhanced'with salt water to make it plumper ( and heavier, and thus more costly). 即便是食品店的生鸡肉有时候也会被注入盐水以便顾客掂量起来会感觉更沉一些(也就表示更贵一些)。
Hydrated skin is dewy and plumper, so lines are less obvious. 含水肌肤看上去比较饱满,所以皱纹也不那么明显。
Suitors settle for what is on offer now, even if plumper or shorter than the ideal, rather than hold out for the perfect partner. 只要合适,追求者就会接受目前可供选择的对象,尽管他们比理想目标要胖一点儿或者矮一点儿,而不会一直坚持追求完美伴侣。
The berrys cheek is plumper. 浆果的脸颊丰满而圆润。
When the baby stays in the uterus longer, it gets plumper. 胎儿在子宫里待的时间越长,长得会越丰满。
It helps fill in lines and wrinkles and restore moisture for smoother, plumper skin. 胶原蛋白让您肌肤的每一个细纹和褶皱都充满了水分,让您的肌肤保持光滑和弹性。
Despite the plumper supply cushion, it would not take much to pitch markets back into a world of shortages and sky-high prices. 尽管有更厚实的供给缓冲,但要把市场打回供应短缺和价格高涨的局面,并费不了多少事。