Advanced search has the added benefit of matching different word forms, such as plurals, alternate verb endings, and various grammatical tenses, in the search results. 高级搜索的另一个好处就是可以在搜索结果中匹配不同单词形式,比如复数、不同的动词结尾和各种语法时态。
The normalized version of a tag should ideally be the same for all versions of the tag, regardless of case, plurals, or stems. 理想情况下,规范之后的标记应该对所有版本的标记都是一样的,而不受大小写、复数或词干的影响。
Mr Crystal points out that plurals such as informations were once regarded as correct and were used by Samuel Johnson. 克里斯特尔指出,informations等复数形式曾被认为是正确的,赛缪尔•约翰逊(SamuelJohnson)就曾经这么用过。
Write the irregular plurals of these nouns. 写出以下不规则名词的复数形式。
Bare plurals, indefinites, and weak-strong distinction. 赤裸的复数,不确定与强弱的差别。
Use underscores between words and are English plurals. 在单词之间使用下划线,而且是英文复数。
A noun that does not form plurals. 没有复数形式的名词。
Plurals were hard, too. 名词的单复数也很难。
Nouns that are not plural in native-speaker English are used as plurals by non-native speakers ( informations, knowledges, advices). 非英语母语人士将英语母语人士视为没有复数形式的名词以复数形式使用(informations,knowledges,advices)。