The next generations of General Motors Co.'s GM+ 3.19% Cadillacs will have softer corners, dashboards with more gadgetry and plusher rear seats. 通用汽车公司(GeneralMotorsCo.)未来几代的凯迪拉克轿车(Cadillac)将拥有更加柔和的拐角线条,仪表盘将增加更多装置,后排座椅也将更为豪华。
Most foreign carmakers, wary of transferring technology to China, do most of their work on China-bound cars overseas, tweaking homegrown models to please local tastes by adding features like exterior chrome highlights, plusher seats and extended wheelbases. 由于担心技术传入中国,多数外国汽车制造商销往中国的汽车绝大部分工作都是在海外完成的,促使国产车型通过添加镀铬亮边、长毛绒座椅和加长轴距等特色来迎合本地口味。