PMBs are mapped to LMBs, as shown in Figure 8 below. 将PMB映射到LMB,如下面的图8所示。
The whole physical memory is divided into blocks called physical memory blocks ( PMB). 整个物理内存被划分为若干块,这些块称为物理内存块(PMB)。
After obtaining the system-wide physical address ( PMB), the hypervisor translates this to the corresponding valid logical address ( LMB) for the partition. 在获得系统范围的物理地址(PMB)之后,Hypervisor将它转换为分区相应的有效逻辑地址(LMB)。
Some PMBs are used for special purposes of the hypervisor and are not allocated to any partition. 某些PMB用于Hypervisor的特殊用途,并且不会将它们分配给任何分区。
The global partition page table consists of the mapping of PMBs to the LMBs of different partitions. 全局分区页表由不同分区的PMB到LMB的映射组成。
PMBs assigned to a partition need not be contiguous. 分配给一个分区的PMB不需要是连续的。
It is found that PMB are spherical particles in μ m scale by SEM. 扫描电镜测度表明PMB在水基液中为均匀分散的微米球形微粒。
Polarized microscope is employed to study the optical structure of semi-coke of the modified pitch. 采用偏光显微镜研究PMB改性煤沥青的光学结构。
Objective: To investigate the clinical value of vaginal ultrasonography and hysteroscopy in diagnosis of postmenopausal uterine hemorrhage. 目的:探讨阴道超声与宫腔镜检查诊断绝经后子宫出血(PMB)的临床应用价值。
AIM: To explore effects of glycine and polymyxin B mixture ( Gly/ PMB) on endotoxin-induced acute phase response in vivo. 目的:探讨甘氨酸和多粘菌素B在体内对内毒素诱导的家兔急性期反应的影响。
Conclusions PMB exerts its protection effect on septic mice by inhibiting macrophages, as may be related to the neutralization of LPS, in which the affinity of PMB with Lipid A plays an important role. 结论PMB可能通过抑制巨噬细胞活化实现对脓毒症小鼠的保护作用,其机制可能与PMB与LipidA结合后中和LPS的活性有关。
These conclusions have some significance for the study and design of suspended SDOF gyrocompass restrained by PMB. 该结论对单自由度陀螺罗盘的理论研究与设计具有重要的意义。
Finally, the benchmarks for performance evaluation, including LinPACK, NPB and PMB, are done on this high performance computer. 最后,运用基准测试程序(LinPACK、NPB和PMB)对这一高性能计算平台的进行测试,显示了该平台高效的并行计算性能,以及对程序可移植性的良好支持。
Conclusion Biosensor technology was an accurate, convenient and rapid method for the determination of potency of endotoxin-neutralizing materials. 结论应用生物传感技术对PMB中和内毒素活性物质的能力进行测定,方便、快速、准确,具有实用价值。
Polymer micro-ball ( PMB) was introduced into water based lubrication as a new type additive based on the "roll ball" model. 根据边界润滑中的滚珠模型,将聚合物形微粒(PMB)作为新型的润滑添加剂引入到水基润滑中。
Methods After mixing polymyxin B ( PMB) with endotoxin in certain concentration, the neutralizing ratio of PMB to endotoxin was assessed by biosensor technique and limulus amebocyte lysate test respectively. The results from the two methods were compared. 方法将PMB与一定浓度的内毒素混合后,分别用生物传感技术和鲎试验法测定PMB中和内毒素能力的比值,同时与用生物学法检测的结果进行比较。
In this paper, the adsorbent properties of Polymyxin B immobilized polystyrene microbeads to remove endotoxin from plasma were studied and the factors that affected the absorption of endotoxin were discussed. 研究了固定有多粘菌素B(PolymyxinB,PMB)短肽的聚苯乙烯微球对血浆中细菌内毒素的亲和吸附性能,讨论了不同吸附条件对吸附性能的影响。
In vitro, the affinity of MP-1 and PMB to LPS was compared by biosensor and FAST fit construct and expressed as Kd. 应用生物传感器及FASTfit作图,比较MP-1、多黏菌素(PMB)与LPS的亲和力,以Kd值表示。
Firstly, we design the molecular structure for coal tar pitch, and modify industrial medium-temperature coal tar pitch with divinylbenzene ( DVB) and p-methyl benzaldehyde ( PMB) in the presence of p-toluene sulfonic acid ( PTS), the modification mechanism of which is studied. 首先对煤沥青的分子结构进行设计,然后分别采用二乙烯基苯(DVB)、对甲基苯甲醛(PMB)对工业中温煤沥青进行了改性,并分析了煤沥青的改性机理;
The polarization characteristics of a twisted DBR fiber laser are investigated. Analytic formulae for the polarization mode beat ( PMB) frequency and polarization direction are derived. 研究扭转DBR光纤激光器的偏振特性,并导出PMB频率和偏振模方向的解析公式。
Finally, storing all the data of the five channels on the computer disks, in order to improve the design of the controller by the offline analysis, ensure the working reliability of the PMB system. 将采集的数据进行在线存储,以便通过离线分析改进控制器的设计,确保PMB系统工作的可靠性。
Objective: To study the prevention of the effects of endotoxin ( or LPS) on gene transfection by polymyxin B ( PMB). 目的探索应用多粘菌素B(PMB)阻止内毒素(LPS)对转染影响。
It is very important to make a timely diagnosis. 及时地对PMB进行病因诊断很重要。
The method has better selectivity. It was used to determination of PMB in practical samples with satisfactory results. 且方法具有较好的选择性,用于药物、人血清和尿液中多粘菌素B含量的测定,取得了满意的结果。
Test results indicated that the speed of PMB mode is about 30% faster than that of authentication modes in common use, too. 3) A hash function based on triple-block chaining ( HTBC) is brought forward in this paper. 测试表明,PMB模式的串行速度也比常用认证模式快30%左右。3)提出了一类基于三重分组链接的单向散列函数(HTBC)。
Besides, according to the multiple targets-multiple mobile nodes case, we design a distributed task assignment protocol PMB based on probe message. Experimental results show that the algorithm above has good feasibility and some effectiveness. 在此基础上,讨论了多目标-多移动节点情形下的任务分配问题,设计并实现了基于探测消息的PMB任务分配协议,仿真结果表明了上述算法具有良好的可行性和一定的有效性。
The method to eliminate the influence of rotor radial displacement on axial displacement detection is proposed. Based on the analysis of magnetic field of magnet ring in radial PMB, symmetrical multi Hall sensor arrangement is proposed to achieve high dectecting accuracy. 基于径向永磁轴承的磁场分析,提出了多个霍尔传感器径向对称布置的方案,解决了霍尔传感器输出中转子径向位移和轴向位移的耦合带来的问题,提高了轴向位移检测精度。
A fast parallelizable authentication mode on the basis of multi-block ( PMB) is advanced in this paper. 本文提出了一类基于多重分组的快速并行认证模式(PMB)。
The prototype utilizes MB system combined with radial PMB and single axial AMB, rotor axial displacement detection system based on Hall sensors, analog PID controller and linear power amplifier. 该原型机采用了径向永磁轴承和单端轴向电磁轴承相结合的磁悬浮轴承系统,基于霍尔传感器的转子轴向位移径向检测系统,以及模拟PID控制器和线性功率放大器。