Half of PML's scientists have first degrees, the other half have PhDs. 普利茅斯海洋研究所的科学家一半有学士学位,另一半则有博士学位。
Detection of PML/ RAR α Fusion Gene by a New Kind of Sandwich-type DNA Electrochemical Biosensor in Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia 新型三明治结构DNA电化学传感器对急性早幼粒细胞白血病相关融合基因的检测
PML is a disease with grave prognosis. PML是一种预后差的疾病。
Improvement of PML Absorbing Boundary Conditions in Elastic Wave Forward Modeling 弹性波正演模拟中PML吸收边界条件的改进
PML lesions are found in white matter and at the corticomedullary junction of cerebral and cerebellar cortex. PML病变见于脑和小脑的白质和皮质-白质交界处。
PML absorbing boundary condition for numerical modeling of Rayleigh wave 瑞利面波数值模拟中的PML吸收边界条件
Detection of PML/ RAR α Fusion Gene in Acute Promyelocyte Leukemia 急性早幼粒细胞白血病PML/RARα融合基因的检测
Incomplete ascension will lead to disease and early dearth. Conformal PML backed by vector absorbing boundary condition 不完全的提升将带来疾病和早期死亡。带矢量ABC底面的共形完全匹配层
A Finite Element Method for Solving Two-dimensional Time-harmonic Scattering Problems with Perfectly Matched Layer 基于PML和有限元法求解二维时谐散射问题
A finite element method with perfectly matched layers ( PML) is developed for wave scattering from a two-dimensional cavity embedded in an infinite ground plane. 给出二维洞穴散射问题的带有吸收边界层的有限元方法。
Numerical Simulation of Conformal PML Based on Orthogonal Trajectory Method 基于正交轨迹的共形PML数值仿真方法
An Optimal PML Method for Electromagnetic Scattering from Cavities 计算开洞穴电磁散射问题的一种优化PML方法
Preparation of Polyclonal Antibody for Human PML Gene and Identification Its Subnuclear Localization 人PML基因多克隆抗体的制备及其亚细胞结构定位的研究
Study of Numerical Computation of Some Scattering Problems with Optimal Perfectly Matched Layer Technique 某些散射问题数值计算的优化PML技术研究
Imaging appearance and differential diagnosis of PML in AIDS 艾滋病合并进行性多灶性脑白质病的影像学表现及鉴别诊断
Finally, aerosol optical depth compared between PML and solar radiometer are finished. 三是用激光雷达和太阳辐射计对同一大气的光学厚度进行对比探测。
"There's a tremendous turnaround in the fortunes of the PML ( N)," newspaper editor Rashid Rehman told Dawn Television. “在PML(N)的命运中有一个巨大的转机,”报纸编辑拉希德·拉赫曼告诉晨曦电视台说。
The name JC is derived from the initials of the name of one of the first patients with PML from which the virus was isolated. JC病毒的命名,来自第一个分离出此病毒的PML患者的名字的首字母。
Advance in diagnosis of APL by detection of PML protein and POD structure and its antibody PML蛋白、POD结构及其抗体在APL诊断的研究进展
Objective: To construct the recombinant adenovirus plasmid carring human PML gene for further study. 目的:构建携带PML目的基因的重组腺病毒载体。
Layer-Oriented Integration Arithmetic of Conformal PML with Vector ABC Undersurface 带ABC底面的共形完全匹配层按层积分算法
Reactiation or exacerbation of viral infections including JC virus leading to PML may occur when patients receie Rituxan for any reason. 患者服用利妥昔单抗后,可能会发生病毒感染(包括JC病毒)的复发或恶化而引发进行性多灶性白质脑病(PML)。
The Finite Element Method with Perfectly Matched Layers for the Electromagnetic Scattering by a Chiral Obstacle 手性障碍电磁散射的PML有限元计算
PML president Chaudhry Shujaat Hussain, a former prime minister, was defeated in his Punjab province constituency by a rival from Bhutto's party, television networks said. PML主席、前总理乔杜里·舒贾特·侯赛因,已经在他的旁遮普省选区中被布托党的竞争对手打败,电视网说。
The expression of PML growth suppressor was detected in40 specimen of prostate cancer with immunohistochemical techniques using polyclonal antibody. 应用免疫组化方法检测了40例不同分化程度的前列腺癌组织中早幼粒细胞白血病基因(PML)蛋白的表达变化。
The observation of the new sandwich TACE in treating massive hepatocellular carcinoma Detection of PML/ RAR α Fusion Gene by a New Kind of Sandwich-type DNA Electrochemical Biosensor in Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia 应用新三明治栓塞法治疗巨块型肝癌疗效观察新型三明治结构DNA电化学传感器对急性早幼粒细胞白血病相关融合基因的检测
Synthesis and Characterization of Novel Misfit-layered Compounds Conformal PML backed by vector absorbing boundary condition 新型不匹配层状化合物的合成与表征带矢量ABC底面的共形完全匹配层
A mixed absorbing boundary condition for FDTD was advanced based on PML and MUR. 提出了一种基于FDTD方法的PML和MUR混合吸收边界条件。
It is also discussed for PML to be used as a absorbing boundary in FDTD simulation. 文中还对PML媒质用于FDTD算法的吸收边界进行了研讨。
The application of PML and MUR absorbing boundary connection in PSTD algorithm was investigated. 分析和研究PML和MUR两种吸收边界在时域拟谱算法中的应用。