The results are posted publicly and hundreds of researchers have already accessed the PNAS study results and applied them to their own projects. 研究结果公开公布,数百位研究者已经获取了PNAS的研究结果,并将其应用到他们自己的研究中。
The Oxford researchers, with colleagues at the MD Anderson Cancer Center at the University of Texas, Houston, confirm their approach works in results published in the journal PNAS. 牛津大学的研究员和休斯顿德克萨斯大学的MDAnderson肿瘤中心的同事,确认了他们的工作成就,并发表在PNAS杂志上。
The PNAS study, led by Henry Adams, a doctoral student at UA'secology and evolutionary biology department, also confirms that hottertemperatures actually suffocate trees in dry times. 由UA生态和进化生物学系博士生哈里·亚当主导的并在美国国家科学院汇刊发表的一项研究也证实了更加炎热的气候确实会使树木在干旱时期窒息死亡。
Both delivery through polymeric microspheres and encapsulation into erythrocytes allowed the antisense activity of unmodified PNAs at nanomolar concentration. 结果表明,将未修饰PNA与聚合微球吸附或封装在自体红细胞,均可在纳摩尔浓度水平实现反义活性。
The research is published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences ( PNAS) this week ( 16 November). 这项研究本周(11月16日)发表在了《美国科学院学报》(PNAS)上。
An additional consequence of the polyamide backbone is that PNAs hybridize virtually independently of the salt concentration. 关于聚酰胺骨架的另一个推论是:PNA的杂交与溶液盐溶度无关。
Because of this resistance to the enzyme degradation, the lifetime of PNAs is extended both in vivo and in vitro. 鉴于这种对酶消化能力的抗性,PNA在体内外的寿命都变长。
She oversaw the separation of white blood cells into pure samples for the PNAS study, and continues to determine cell surface protein expression for the larger Glue grant team. Miller-Graziano在PNAS的研究中监督了将血样分离成纯样的过程,在更大规模的Glue奖组研究中继续确认了细胞表面蛋白的表达。
Scientists have found that historical outbreaks of migratory locusts in China were associated with cold periods, suggesting that China's projected climate warming could decrease locust numbers. 科学家发现,中国历史上的蝗灾与气候冷周期相关,这意味着中国预计的未来气候变暖可能导致蝗虫数量有所下降。这项研究昨天发表在《美国科学院学报》(PNAS)上。
The research, conducted by a group of American, Australian and Swiss scientists, was published online in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences this week ( 3 July). 这项研究由一组来自美国、澳大利亚和瑞士的科学家完成,它于本周(7月3日)发表在了《美国科学院学报》(PNAS)的网站上。
The researchers have already shown in their PNAS paper that it is possible to modify a human cell line to produce the gp120 HIV protein with the correct carbohydrates attached. 研究人员已经在PNAS上的文章上指出,改造人的细胞系能使其产生携带适当糖链的gp120HIV蛋白。
The PNAS study showed that several variants in the Factor H gene significantly increase the risk of developing AMD. PNAS的研究显示因子H基因的几个突变可以明显增加AMD的危险性。
As described in the PNAS paper, about one-third ( 29 percent) of people with a Factor H risk variant had not been diagnosed with AMD. 正如PNAS的一篇文章所描述的那样,大约三分之一(29%)携带因子H突变的人没有患AMD。
"Interpreting Patterns of Gene Expression with Self-organizing Maps: Methods and Application to Hematopoietic Differentiation." PNAS ( 1999). 说明基因表示的自组投射样式:区分造血细胞的方法与应用〉,PNAS(1999)。
Also, PNAs are not recognized by polymerases and therefore cannot be directly used as primers or be copied. 而且,由于PNA不被聚合酶所识别,所以不能被直接用作引物或是被复制。
Their results, which are published in the American scientific journal PNAS, can enable the development of vaccines and therapies to combat severe malarial infections. 他们的结果出版在美国科学杂志PNAS上,促进了抗严重疟疾感染的疫苗和治疗的研究。
In addition, the unique chemical, physical and biological properties of PNAs have been exploited to produce powerful biomolecular tools, antisense and antigene agents, molecular probes and biosensors. 此外,鉴于肽核酸独特的理化和生物学性能,人们正尝试将其用于生物分子工具、反义和反基因制剂、分子探针和生物传感器。
Results from the FSU study are described in the Aug.14 online edition of the journal PNAS ( Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences). 8月14日出版的国家科学学报在线版对佛罗里达大学的研究结果作了如下报道。
The study sheds new light on the effects of climate change and is published this week ( 11 December) in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 这一研究发表在了本周(12月11日)出版的《美国科学院学报》(PNAS)上,它为研究气候变化的效应带来了新曙光。
Peptide nucleic acids ( PNAs) provide a powerful tool to study the mechanism of transcription and translation, an innovative strategy to regulate target gene expression. 肽核酸的发现为研究转录和翻译机制提供了强有力的工具,是一项可用来调控目的基因表达的创新策略。
The results of the were published Tuesday in the US scientific journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences ( PNAS). 该研究结果于本周二在美国美国国家科学院院报上发表。
However, unlike most of the DNA and RNA oligonucleotides, PNAs are poorly penetrated through the cell membrane, partially due to their uncharged property. 然而,与大多数DNA和RNA寡核苷酸不同,肽核酸的透膜能力很差,部分原因是由于它们具有不带电荷的性质。
Thus, it is possible to significantly suppress nonsense mutations within target genes using antisense PNAs. 由此可见,反义PNA有可能在靶基因区域显著性抑制无义突变。
The study was the work of researchers at the US National Institutes of Health ( NIH) and was published online ahead of print on4th August in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, PNAS. 这项研究有美国国立卫生研究院的研究人员进行并印刷前在线发表在8月4日的PNAS杂志上。
Introduction: Peptide nucleic acids ( PNAs) are rapidly emerging as powerful tools in DNA hybridization and antisense techniques. 前言:肽核酸(PNAs)是一个在DNA杂交和反义技术领域迅速崛起的强大工具。
The unnatural backbone of PNAs also means that PNAs are particularly resistant to protease and nuclease degradation. PNA的非天然骨架也使得PNA能有效对抗蛋白酶和核酸酶的降解。
The findings are reported in the current issue of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, or PNAS. 这个发现发表在国家科学院学报的最近一期。
Methods Ugi four component condensation reaction ( Ugi 4 CC) was used to synthesize PNAs, in which the Fmoc protecting strategy was adopted; 方法采用Ugi四组分缩合反应进行PNA单体的合成并采用Fmoc的保护策略。