Statistical difference of pneumatization number between sinusitis group and non-sinusitis group was found. 鼻窦炎与无鼻窦炎者的中鼻甲气化数量差异有统计学意义。
Objective To explore the potential role of mastoid pneumatization in the sequelae of secretory otitis media ( SOM). 目的探讨乳突气化情况对成人分泌性中耳炎预后的影响。
Applied anatomy of the pneumatization of frontal-ethmoid sinus toward the supper-orbit cell 额窦筛窦向眶顶气化的应用解剖
Objective: To study the pneumatization of the supraorbital cell of frontal-ethmoid sinus. 目的:观察额窦、筛窦气房向眶顶气化情况。
Conclusion: The attic retraction pocket reflected the negative pressure of middle ear and its pathogenesis was related with the function of Eustachian tube, inflammation and pneumatization of mastoid. 结论上鼓室内陷袋反映中耳负压状态,其发病机制与咽鼓管功能、炎症、乳突气化程度相关;
Conclusion HRCT was an optimal imaging modality for the diagnosis of pneumatization of the inferior turbinate and may help the clinicians to differentiate from other causes of the inferior turbinate hypertrophy. 结论HRCT是显示下鼻甲气化的最佳方法,可直接作出诊断并能帮助临床与其他原因造成的下鼻甲肥大进行鉴别。
Conclusion: The underdeveloped pneumatization of mastoid played an important role in the development of secretory otitis media in adults. 结论:乳突气房发育不良在SOM发病中起着重要作用,是成人SOM发生的危险因素。
The Role of Underdeveloped Mastoid Pneumatization in Otitis Media with Effusion in Adults 乳突气房发育不良在成人分泌性中耳炎发病中的作用
ACP of pneumatization increases the risk of operations related to it. ACP气化增加了相关手术的危险性;
Conclusion: To know the pneumatization of the supraorbital cell of frontal-ethmoid sinus is very important for the nasal minimal-invasive operation. 结论:了解额窦、筛窦气房向眶顶气化情况对预防鼻微创手术颅内及眶内并发症有重要的临床意义。
The Effect of Mastoid Pneumatization for Prognostic of Secretory Otitis Media in Adults 乳突气化程度与成人分泌性中耳炎的预后
Pneumatization of perpendicular plate of the ethmoid bone and mucocele 筛骨垂直板气化与黏液囊肿