Tetrachloride of high density may cause nubecula, airway inflammation or even pneumochysis. 高浓度可引起角膜混浊,呼吸道炎症,甚至肺水肿。
It is highly irritating and will burn the eyes and upper respiratory tract. it'll cause nubecula, airway inflammation or even pneumochysis. 对眼睛及上呼吸道有强烈的刺激和灼伤作用,会引起角膜混浊、呼吸道炎症甚至肺水肿。
Pneumonia or pneumochysis may be caused. 可引起肺炎或肺水肿。
Severe symptoms: pneumonia, pneumochysis, atelectasis. 重者发生肺炎、肺水肿、肺不张。
Conclusion Airway obstruct and bronchospasm and pneumochysis are the main reasons that result in high airway pressure. 结论气道阻塞、支气管痉挛、肺水肿为气道压力增高的主要原因。
PH was relative to damage of OFR: at the stage of hypothermia and hypoxia, the damage of GJ would lead to increase pulmonary vessel permeability and pneumochysis; 肺出血与OFR损伤有关:低温缺氧期GJ受损,致肺血管通透性增加而发生肺水肿。
Using BIPAP ventilation, the ventilation status of patients with bronchial asthma and obstructive sleep apnea syndrome ( OSAS) could be effectively improved, and the heart rates of patients with acute pneumochysis were slowed down, which may be beneficial for the recovery of cardiac function. 能有效地改善支气管哮喘及阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停综合征(OSAS)的通气状态;减慢急性肺水肿患者的心率,促进心功能的恢复;