Application of pneumonectomy with partial resection of left atrium in local advanced lung cancer 部分左心房切除的全肺扩大切除术在局部晚期肺癌手术中的应用
Application of Pneumonectomy in Surgical Treatment of Stage IH Lung Cancer 全肺切除术在Ⅲ期肺癌外科治疗中的应用
Nursing of elderly patients with arrhythmia after pneumonectomy in lung cancer 高龄肺癌患者全肺切除术后心律失常的护理
Objective To systemically analyze the clinical value of sleeve lobectomy ( SL) and pneumonectomy ( PN) in non-small cell lung cancer ( NSCLC). 目的系统评价袖状肺叶切除与全肺切除在非小细胞肺癌治疗中临床应用价值。
Perioperative Nursing Care Patients Undergoing Pneumonectomy and Lung Volume Reduction Surgery Perioperative management of pneumonectomy in elderly patients with lung cancer 肺癌切除联合肺减容术的围术期护理老年肺癌全肺切除术的围手术期处理
Effect of ketamine on inflammatory factors in pneumonectomy patients under VATS 氯胺酮对胸腔镜下肺叶切除病人围术期炎性细胞因子的影响
Perioperative Nursing of Tuberculosis Destroyed Lung Patients Undergone One Side Pneumonectomy Treatment 结核性毁损肺单侧全肺切除围手术期的护理衰老性脱氧核糖核酸毁损
Perioperative nursing care for ⅲ stage lung cancer patients undergoing pneumonectomy via pericardium 晚期肺癌心包内处理血管全肺切除围术期护理
Mediastinoscopy, however, seems to have a limited role in patient selection for extrapleural pneumonectomy. 而纵隔镜检查对于选择胸膜外全肺切除术的病人仅仅有着有限的作用。
Perioperative management of pneumonectomy in elderly patients with lung cancer Perioperative nursing care in total artificial hip joint replacement for 67 patients 老年肺癌全肺切除术的围手术期处理人工全髋关节置换术67例围术期护理
Practice on effectively expectoration after pneumonectomy Reconstruction of Carina and Bronchus For Lung Cancer in 12 Patients 肺切除术后病人有效排痰方法的实践
Perioperative Nursing Care Patients Undergoing Pneumonectomy and Lung Volume Reduction Surgery 对肺气肿实施肺叶切除术治疗有效吗?肺癌切除联合肺减容术的围术期护理
Conclusion Intrapericardial total pneumonectomy is safe, it can raise the pulmonary resection rate and prolong the survival period of the patients. 结论经心包内处理肺血管全肺切除术安全性较好,可提高肺癌切除率、延长术后生存期。
BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to identify risk factors associated with survival after pneumonectomy for non-small cell lung cancer. 背景:该研究的目的是鉴别非小细胞肺癌患者全肺切除术治疗后与生存率相关的危险因子。
Effect of ACEI prevention and treatment the side of pneumonectomy after heart failure ACEI防治一侧全肺切除术后心功能不全的效果分析
Temporary interventional pneumonectomy used as an emergency treatment for acute massive pulmonary embolism: the initial experimental results 暂时介入性肺切除治疗急性大面积肺栓塞的实验研究
Pneumonectomy for non-small cell lung cancer carries an acceptable operative mortality and provides an important surial benefit. 因非小细胞肺癌而接受全肺切除术有可接受的手术死亡率并且能提供重要的生存益处。
Objective To investigate the prevalences of postoperative complications in elder patients with lung caner undergoing sleeve resection or pneumonectomy, and explore the related risk factors. 目的比较接受支气管袖状切除与全肺切除的高龄肺癌患者术后并发症的发生情况,并对相关危险因素进行分析。
Objective: To investigate the method and value of pneumonectomy for central lung cancer. 目的探讨全肺切除在中心型肺癌治疗中的手术方法及价值。
The Analysis of Safety of Adjuvant Radiation Therapy Following Pneumonectomy in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer 非小细胞肺癌全肺切除术后辅助放疗的安全性分析
Objectie: A higher mortality has been reported after pneumonectomy oer the age of 70. 目的:据报道超过70岁患者行肺切除术后有更高的死亡率。
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the safety and feasibility of completing pneumonectomy for residual lung cancer, and explore the measures how to keep away its risk. 目的:评价残肺癌手术切除的安全性及可行性,探讨防范风险的应对措施。
Extended pneumonectomy combined with partial resection of left atrium after neo-adjuvant chemotherapy off pump for advanced lung cancer 新辅助化疗后非体外循环下肺及部分左心房切除术的临床观察
Pneumonectomy, in recent years gradually reduced, especially for elderly patients with lung cancer is more we must be cautious. 全肺切除术,近年来逐渐减少,特别是对于高龄肺癌患者更要慎重。
Methods The 46 patients with tuberculous bronchostenosis were treated with pneumonectomy and bronchoplasty. 方法对46例外科诊断明确的结核性支气管狭窄采用肺切除和支气管成型术。
Objective To explore the characteristics and mechanisms of ST T changes caused by pneumonectomy in patients with lung cancer. 目的探讨肺癌患者行肺切除术后ST-T改变的特点及机制。