The energy spectrum of hard X-ray is relatively "soft" for the prominent thermal event and "hard" for the non-thermal event; PT事件的硬X射线谱较软,PNT事件能谱较硬;
The skills of nursing operation in the students of the experimental group before and after studying PNT, the abilities of the students during the practical training and after graduation in the two groups, and the employment in the two groups were all investigated. 然后对实验组学生学习《护技》课前后护理操作技术掌握情况、两组学生实习期间及毕业后工作的综合能力、两组学生就业情况进行跟踪调查。
Objective To explore the necessity of medical students learning "practical nursing technology" ( PNT). 目的探讨医学生学习《实用护理技术》(简称《护技》)课的必要性。
Results indicate that the Box-Cox approach provides better normality for data transforms, but in the case of evaluation by the statistical properties of the estimations on quantiles through reverse transform, the PNT is superior to Box-Cox method. 研究表明,BoxCox变换后样本的正态性更优,若以反变换后对水文设计值估计的统计性能评价,则以多项式正态变换的效果更优。
The reduction of p-nitrobenzene ( PNT) and m-dinitrobenzene ( MDNB) in three kinds of soils by zero-valent iron ( ZVI) at normal temperature and pressure was studied using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry ( GC-MS). 用气相色谱-质谱联用仪(GC-MS)对零价铁在常温常压下还原3种土壤中对硝基苯和间二硝基苯进行了研究。
Based on the general seismic design rule of structures, which is strong joint, weak member, another seismic design concept for steel structural end-plate connections, which is strong connection, weak plate is pnt forward. 本文还在“强节点,弱构件”抗震设计一般原则的基础上提出了“强连接,弱板件”的端板连接抗震设计概念。
With the P-III distribution taken as an example, the statistical characteristics of the PNT method were investigated by means of the Monte-Carlo simulation. 以PⅢ型分布为例,用MonteCarlo法进行模拟分析,并对PNT法的统计性能与线性矩(LM)法的统计性能进行了比较。
To Establish a new Procedure for Enrichment of Salmonelleae ( Phage Novobiocin Tetrathionate Broth) and its Application 一种新的沙门氏菌增菌方法(PNT)的建立和应用
The writer designs the processing flow of SVF file changing to single layer structure vector file. 笔者设计了SVF文件向单层结构的pnt,lin,ply,vec文件转换并组构成cly文件的流程,以及实现的算法;
The results show that the film annealed at 600 ℃ for 1h presents perovskite phase. 结果发现在600℃下退火1h的PNT薄膜呈钙钛矿结构;
The releasing rate of non-thermal energy for the prominent non-thermal event is 3-10 times larger than that for the thermal events; PNT事件非热能量释放速率比PT事件快3&10倍;
Nitrobenzene compounds transformed into benzylamine compounds; the reduction rates of PNT and MDNB in clay were highest, reaching 91% and 90%, respectively. 结果表明,硝基苯类化合物转化为苯胺等化合物,对硝基苯和间二硝基苯2种化合物在黏土中的还原率分别达到91%和90%。
This thesis combines the object-oriented ideas with the basic theory of Petri nets to develop a visual tool of Petri nets and the simulation of the flexible manufacturing systems. A PNT is a type of files to represent the information of Petri nets. 本文将面向对象的思想和Petri网基本理论相结合,开发出Petri网可视化工具并对相应的柔性制造系统(FMS)模型进行仿真。PNT文件是一种保存Petri网信息的文件。