The film contains moments of almost unbearable poignancy 电影中有几段几乎让人辛酸得不忍目睹。
There is a certain poignancy about Eric. 埃里克的身上有一种哀伤。
When we are scared, or frustrated, when we see injustice, when we are deeply touched by the poignancy of humanity, we cry. 当我们感到恐惧或受挫、目睹不公,或是被人类的苦难深深触动时,我们都会流泪。
An undercurrent of trauma runs through ordinary life, shot through as it is with the poignancy of impermanence. 心理创伤的暗流不停在日常生活中涌动,于无常的人生里,伴随各种辛酸经历将我们击垮。
As she sat in church her face had a pathos and poignancy. 当她坐在教堂里时,脸上带着一种哀婉和辛辣的表情。
Besides, many of the joys and sorrows of childhood have lost their poignancy; 此外,童年时代的欢乐和悲伤大都成为往事前尘,它们已然失去了当时的锋芒;
The poem has a haunting poignancy. 这首诗感人肺腑,读后难忘。
The original film had both wit and poignancy. 这部独创性的电影既幽默又辛辣。