(在英美两国的圣诞节时尤受欢迎的)一品红,圣诞花 A poinsettia is a plant with groups of bright red or pink leaves that grows in Central and South America. Poinsettias are very popular in Britain and the United States, especially at Christmas.
Red poinsettias are a traditional part of Christmas celebrations, which is why almost all of them are sold at wintertime. 由于红色一品红是圣诞节传统庆祝活动的一部分,故几乎所有这些花都在冬天出售。
Poinsettias are native to Mexico. 圣诞红原产于墨西哥。
Holiday plants poinsettias, holly, mistletoe and evergreens are dangerous to dogs and cats alike. Keep plants out of reach, and watch your pets when they're near the tree. 节日植物猩猩木、冬青树、槲寄生和常青树对你的小猫小狗和类似的宠物都是很危险的。把这些植物放到宠物接触不到的地方,当它们靠近圣诞树的时候要看好它们。
Babies and pets that chew on poinsettias can get sick. 婴儿和宠物误食一品红会有不适。
Holiday poinsettias are also dangerous for pets, though not as worrisome as the lily. 一品红对于宠物来说也很危险,尽管它们没有百合那么致命。
Poinsettias are the best-selling potted flowering plant in the United States. 一品红是美国最畅销的盆栽花。
Many people believe that poinsettias are poisonous. 许多人认为猩猩木是有毒的。