Point-source point-detector mode For Freight Collect shipments, the charge will be billed to the consignee. 单点震源单点接收方式若采取收件人付费方式,则费用由收件人支付。
The pollution features of the river are the organic pollution seriously in icebound season and most of the toxicants from the point-source. 松花江的主要环境问题是有机污染物造成的生态污染危害,松花江的环境污染特征是有机污染冰封期加重和点源污染突出。
Simulation Research on Drift Influence of Point-source Current Field in The Medium of Uniform Wallrock 均匀围岩介质中点源电流场的巷道影响模拟研究
The comparison between stochastic point-source method and stochastic finite-fault method 随机点源方法和随机有限断层方法模拟地震动的比较
Two methods of t-p transform in both the time domain and frequency domain are presented for point-source data. 对于点源资料,提出时间域及频率域τ-p变换二种方法。
This paper presents the solutions in Laplace space derived by point-source function and Green's function. 首先用点源函数和格林函数法,推导出拉普拉斯空间线源解。
Application of Genetic Algorithms to Point-source Inversion 遗传算法在点源扩散浓度反演排放源强中的应用
A kind of double exposure synthetic-slit achromatic rainbow holography is proposed in this paper. The structure of point-source hologram, depth of field and resolution of achromatic image are discussed in detail. 本文介绍一种二次曝光合成狭缝彩虹消色象全息术,详细地分析了点源全息图的结构、消色象的分辨率和景深。
The princiPle and technique of the boundary element method for resistivity sounding of point-source electric field in two-dimensional geoelectrical section are stated. 本文重点阐述了点源二维电阻率测深边界单元方法原理、方法技术。
Spatial Data Model Based on Geological and Mineral Resources Point-source Information System 基于地矿点源信息系统的空间数据模型研究
The IR image from the complex scene is not as simple as the point-source target image. 红外目标图像的特殊性导致单单依赖基于灰度统计信息的特征提取方法区分背景和目标很难奏效。
First, the instantaneous point-source solution of pseudo-pressure for anisotropic gas reservoir is derived. Then the instantaneous source function method and Newman multiplication principle are applied to give the Green's function for various multi-branched horizonal wells in gas reservior. 对分支水平井各向异性地层,导出气藏拟压力的瞬时点源解,利用瞬时源函数和Newman乘积原理,给出气藏中各种分支水平井的Green函数。
The case model base and its classification system of geological and mineral point-source database system 地质矿产点源数据库系统的模型库及其分类体系
In the paper, the steady point-source infiltration experiment was conducted, and the method was evaluated based on the experimental dada. The results indicate that the method can be used to estimate soil hydraulic properties. 该文通过试验资料,对该方法进行了评估,结果显示该方法可以用于土壤水力参数的确定。
For most of the regions, isoseismals are of somewhat elongated shape. The empirical point-ellipse model can reduce systematic deviation of point-source and fault-rupture models. 对多数地区,等震线略具狭长的形状,经验点椭圆模型可以减小点源模型和断层破裂模型的系统偏差。
A Detecting Algorithm for IR Moving Point-source Target Based on Image Flow Analysis 基于图像流分析的红外运动点目标检测算法
Enhancing the disposal rate of small and middle volume point-source wastewater and reducing the nitrogen contained in drainage are the important keys for controlling the eutrophication of water body. 提高中小型点源污水的处理率、降低排水中氮含量是控制水体富营养化的重要关键,因此开发高效节能的中小型点源污水脱氮工艺具有重大现实意义。
The recurrence formulas of the ground point-source electric field of vertical multilayer media 直立多层介质地面点源电场的递推公式
At present, two main stochastic models, point-source model and finite-fault model, are adopted to simulate ground motions. 随机法模拟地震动目前主要采用点源模型和有限断层模型两种方法。
First, this paper presents the 3-D boundary value and variation equation of point-source electrical field on a 3-D structure. Then, the boundary condition for the infinite boundary is simplified to improve calculation speed and precision. 首先给出了三维构造中点源电场异常电位的边值问题与变分问题,简化无穷远边界上的边界条件以提高计算速度及计算精度。
The analytical solutions of seismograms in T-P domain for arbitrary point-source and AVO analysis 任意点震源τ-P域地震图的解及AVO分析工程热物理学科中的若干解析解
The change of land use affects lake water quality in two ways of point-source pollution and nonpoint-source pollution. 土地利用变化以点源污染和非点源污染两种方式影响着湖泊水质。
According to the finite element approach, area-source pollution can be abstracted as finite set of line-source pollution, and the line-source pollution can be abstracted as a finite set of point-source pollution, so the point-source pollution is very important for the study of water pollution. 按有限元的方式,面源污染可以抽象为有限条线源污染的集合,而线源污染亦可抽象为有限个点源污染的集合,所以研究点源污染是研究水体污染的核心环节。
For estimation of the surface radiation levels, theoretical calculations were performed based on the point-source model, the line-source model and the volume-source model, and the correction factors were obtained from the verification experiments. 在患者的体外辐射水平估算研究中,分别利用点源模型、线源模型和体源模型进行理论计算,再结合临床实际开展验证实验,以获取修正因子的典型值。
According to the water pollution emission ways, the point pollution can be divided into instantaneous point-source pollution and continuous point-source pollution. 水体的点源污染按排污方式可分为瞬时点源污染和连续点源污染两种。
Infrared imaging guidance technology was developed on the basis of infrared point-source missile guidance technology, and is currently the main stream of the infrared guidance technology. 红外成像制导技术是在红外点源制导技术基础上发展起来的,是目前红外制导技术发展的主流。
It simulated different geographical conditions of the various hydrological process simulations, including the land phase of the hydrologic cycle, channel flood routing, reservoir routing, point-source data input, and so on. 实现了不同地理条件下各种水文过程的模拟,包括陆相水文循环、河道演算、水库演算、点源输入等。
Based on the finite element approach, continuous point-source pollution can also be abstracted as a finite set of instantaneous one. 同理按有限元的方式,连续点源污染亦可抽象为有限个瞬时点源污染的集合。
Usually point-source pollution can be more easily prevented and controlled through relevant laws and regulations. 通常点源污染比较容易控制,可通过相关的法律法规等措施加以防治。
Firstly, the continuous point-source dispersion model and the instantaneous point-source dispersion model were used to analyze the rule of indoor movement and transport of bio-particles engendered by respiration, cough and sneeze. 首先,利用连续点源扩散模型和瞬时点源扩散模型分析了人体呼吸、咳嗽和打喷嚏时产生的生物颗粒在室内的运动和传播规律。