This means there might be some point-to-point connections between the suppliers or resellers and the internal MDM system. 这意味着在供应商或零售商与内部MDM系统之间可能要建立点到点连接。
This solution option represents simple point-to-point service integration using wrapper or adaptor technology, rather than a true ESB. 这种解决方案通过封装器或适配器技术来实现简单的点到点(P2P)服务集成,而不是真正的ESB。
In addition, you can now use the JMS API with the micro broker to support point-to-point messaging. 另外,现在可以使用JMSAPI和微代理来支持点对点消息传递。
Queue destinations are destinations that can be configured for point-to-point messaging. 队列目的地,可以配置为进行点到点消息传递的目的地。
The MQ JMS implementation supports both point-to-point and publish/ subscribe messaging models. MQJMS实现同时支持点对点和发布/订阅消息模型。
This mitigates the problem caused by point-to-point communications in a system with a proliferation of services. 这就减少了具有大量服务的系统中的点到点通信导致的问题。
So far, we have defined and started a queue manager and created a queue for point-to-point messaging. 到目前为止,我们定义和启动了队列管理器,并为点到点消息传递创建了队列。
This article demonstrates how to use the Point-to-Point messaging model to integrate ILOG JRules with WPS. 本文说明如何使用点对点消息模型来整合ILOGJRules和WPS。
In this article, we refer to a message-driven bean ( MDB) running in the point-to-point domain. 在本文中,我们讨论在点到点域中运行的消息驱动bean(MDB)。
Unlike RMM, RUDP is a point-to-point protocol in which messages are sent to a specific destination. 与RMM不同的是,RUDP是一个“点对点”协议:消息被发送到一个特定目标。
Believe it or not, many ESB and EII projects still perform point-to-point semantic integration in SOA. 无论相信与否,许多ESB和EII项目仍然在SOA中进行点对点的语义集成。
This article provides a use case for point-to-point transactional models. 本文提供了点到点事务模型的一个用例。
Chat can be either voice-or text-based, point-to-point or in a conference environment. 聊天室可以是基于语音或文字的点对点环境,也可以是会议环境。
One-to-one messaging is a point-to-point model. 一对一的消息传递(One-to-onemessaging)是一种点到点的模型。
JMS defines two modes of messaging: point-to-point ( P2P) and publish-subscribe ( pub-sub). JMS定义了两种信息传递模式:点对点(P2P)和发布&订阅(pub-sub)。
But, more importantly, the WebSphere MQ cluster does not displace the point-to-point network. 但是,更重要的是WebSphereMQ集群没有取代点对点网络。
This ability for point-to-point and clustered topologies to coexist provides a smooth transition path for an SOA implementation. 这种让点对点和集群拓扑共存的能力为平稳过渡到SOA实现铺平了道路。
Channels are implemented using Point-to-Point or Hub& Spoke topology. 信道的使用点对点或Hub&Spoke拓扑来实现。
MQ defines the overall topology of the distributed system rather than simple point-to-point communication. MQ不是简单的点对点交互,相反,它定义了分布式系统的全局拓扑。
Distributed MIMO that employs multiple antennas keeps the advantages of the distributed antenna system and the point-to-point MIMO system. 采用多天线的分布式MIMO系统保持了分布式天线系统和点对点MIMO系统的优点。
Integration and service composition can be implemented directly by point-to-point connections and composite services. 集成及服务复合体可以直接由点对点的连接以及服务的复合来实现。
Flying leads point-to-point soldering to switches, connectors and transformers; 飞行导致点对点焊接到开关,连接器和变压器;
This switching structure supports both point-to-point and point-to-multi-points broadcasting transmission with superior capacity expansion performance. 该交换结构支持点到点和点到多点广播两种传送方式,具有很好的容量扩充性能。
Initially, data interfaces between systems were point-to-point, with each system having its own message format. 起初,系统间数据接口是点对点的,每个系统都有自己的消息格式。
In a point-to-point setup, two and only two Fibre Channel devices are directly connected. 在点对点设置中,两个(且只有两个)光纤通道设备能直接连接。
The most fundamental improvement is the adoption of point-to-point bus topology. 最基础的提高是它采用了点到点的总线结构。
Each integration each adds a new point-to-point channel to the system that has to be maintained. 对必须进行维护的系统来说,每次集成都增加了系统间点对点的新通道。
There are two basic of control systems in numerical control: point-to-point and contouring. 在数控机床中有两种基本控制系统,分别是点对点和线性。
Shoal provides messaging primitives that allow for: point-to-point, one-to-many, and one-to-all addressing. Shoal提供了消息传递原语,它支持:点对点、一对多和一对所有(one-to-all)的寻址方式。