Four skinny trees with skinny necks and pointy elbows like mine. 四棵细瘦的树儿长着细细的脖颈和尖尖的肘骨,像我的一样。
Elf elf magic things, pointy ears and pointy wings. 小精灵,小精灵,有魔法,尖尖的耳朵和翅膀。
It has a long pointy beak for spearing its prey. 丹顶鹤有一个锋利的长喙,能够戳穿食物。
But some bulbs do not seem to have a pointy end. 但有些鳞茎似乎没有尖头。
Pointy shoes are the fashion this year. 尖头鞋是今年的流行款式。
Can't you see my wizard dress and my wizard stick and my pointy wizard hat? Why would I wear this stuff if I were not a wizard? 你看不见我这身法师装和我的法师杖和我的尖顶法师帽么?如果我不是法师,我穿这些干吗?
I'd get everything pointy out of the room. 我会把房间里带有尖头的东西拿出去的。
Do your teeth look like a carnivores? All sharp and pointy, like? 你的牙齿像食肉动物的牙齿吗?全部都像它们一样尖锐吗?
And I would have mentioned your unnatural fear of pointy things. 我会提起你对尖东西的异。
I could see her pointy teeth glistening in the moonlight. 我可以看到她尖锐的牙齿在月光下闪闪发光。
I want the pointy and sharp egg. 我要那个又尖又锋利的蛋。
Put on your pointy hat, grow a beard, drink Jolt Cola and come join in the fun. 带上你的尖顶帽,长一副胡须,喝着震动可乐加入到娱乐当中来把。
There isn't much left-just a tattered pointy hat and a Mage's Staff. 这里没有剩下什么&只有一个破烂的尖帽子和一个法师手杖。
My back is covered with hard, pointy quills and my belly is soft and furry. 我的后背覆盖着又硬又尖的刺,我的腹部柔软而多毛。
Pointy little noses and whiskers that trembled. 尖尖的小鼻子,抖动的胡须。
I've got a chubby body, a long, narrow face, pointy ears and a cute little tail. 我有一个圆胖的身子,一个又长又窄的脸,尖尖的耳朵和一条小巧的尾巴。
She had a long face, a pointy chin, small ears. 她长脸型,尖下巴,耳朵小小的。
I could choose, for example, S1 a half sphere if I want or I can choose, let's call that s1, S2 I don't know, a pointy thing, s2. 比如说,我可以选择,一个半球面,或者我可以选一个。。。,先叫它,诶。。。,一个尖的曲面。
A.To keep their pointy heads warm! 好让她们尖尖的头保持温暖!
If you have a diamond shaped face, this means that you have a sharp curved forehead and pointy chin. 如果你有一张菱形的脸,这意味着你有棱角分明的额头和尖下巴。
Their pointy snouts snuffling out insects and fat, juicy worms. 他们的尖嘴把昆虫,肉和多汁的蠕虫都消灭掉。
Ruffians, thugs, poison ivy, quicksand, Cannibals, and snakes, the plague, also large bugs, men with pointy teeth. 流氓,暴徒,有毒的藤条,流沙,食人族,蛇,瘟疫,甚至大臭虫和有锋利牙齿的人。
He is fond of wearing pink pointy hats and playing agile games. 他喜欢戴粉色的尖帽子,也喜欢玩敏捷游戏。
God bless their pointy little heads. 上帝保佑他们小脑袋多想点事。
Any policymaker with an interventionist bent would be banished to the corner, wearing a pointy hat. 任何有干预主义倾向的政策制定者都将被带上尖顶帽赶到角落里。
But I thought the robin was a good place to start, because it's pointy at one end. 但是我觉得罗宾的起点不错,它一头是尖的。
It's always a good idea to keep the pointy end going forward as much as possible. 尽可能保持飞机的空速管朝前,这总是一个好主意。
Look at this guy over here with the pointy ears? What's that? 看那边那个尖耳朵男人,那是什么啊?
I could see us modifying the pointy part. 我看到我们在修改尖的部分。