Hence, the only difference in properties one should observe for the two carvones are the odors and the signs of rotation in a polarimeter. 因此,它们在性质上的唯一区别应该可通过观测两种香芹酮的气味和旋光仪中旋光度的符号而得知。
It is explained that I append a thermostatic water-jacket to the polarimeter. 因陋就简地为旋光仪加装恒温水套,避免了温度对实验的影响。
The soft X-ray polarimeter and applications at BSRF 北京同步辐射软X射线偏振测量装置及其应用
Using 、 Maintenance and Recovery Processing with Automatic Polarimeter 自动旋光仪的使用、保养及故障处理
Principles and Error Analysis of Phase Shifted Laser Polarimeter 移相式激光偏振仪的原理及误差分析
The relationship between the thermal emission polarization and viewing angles in metal targets is studied by using this thermal imaging polarimeter. 利用该系统,研究了金属板热红外偏振度和观测角之间的关系。
By analyzing thermal emission polarization detection method, a thermal imaging polarimeter is developed. 通过分析热红外偏振探测方法,根据现有条件研制了一种热红外成像偏振探测仪。
Such light is viewed through a long tube, as in a polarimeter. 通过一个长管子观察这种光,象在旋光计中那样。
The system of control and data acquirement for the synchrotron radiation polarimeter in soft X-ray range 同步辐射软X射线综合偏振测量分析装置的控制与数据获取系统
The single optical path measuring system is adopted in traditional polarimeter and its precision is not high, mainly affected by the instability of light source. 传统的偏振测量仪由于采用单光路测量系统,测量精度受光源稳定性限制较大。
For polarized reflectance always goes with bidirectional reflectance, we can attain the polarized three-dimensional spatial distribution of the targets by a polarimeter when detecting its bidirectional reflectance. 偏振反射是伴随目标的二向性反射而产生的,在探测目标地物的二向性反射的同时,可以通过起偏器获得目标地物偏振态的三维空间分布。
Mathematical model of the two optical paths polarimeter is proposed, precision analysis and measurement results of glucose resolution are presented. 建立了它的测量模型,进行了系统精度分析,利用该系统对葡萄糖溶液浓度进行了测试实验,得到了和理论推导相一致的结果。
This paper introduces the basic principle, instrument structures and electronics measurement system of the electron polarimeter developed successfully by our laboratory. Based on the PC data acquisition and processing system, the whole experiment process can be controlled and achieved automatically. 介绍了研制成功的电子束极化度测量仪的基本原理、结构及其电子学测量系统,该系统基于PC机的数据获取和处理,并实现了整个实验过程的自动控制。
The components of fructose syrup have the characteristics of optical rotation due to the asymmetric carbon atoms in their molecular structures and can be expressed by optical rotation and specific optical rotation. The content of fructose is analyzed on the basis of the data detected with a polarimeter. 果葡糖浆的成分因分子结构有不对称碳原子而具有旋光特性,可用旋光度、比旋光度表示[1],通过旋光仪测定具体数据,进而分析果糖的含量。
The Application of Near Infrared Polarimeter 近红外旋光仪的应用研究
The Uncertainty Evaluation of Measurement Results for Polarimeter 旋光仪测量结果不确定度的评定
Here, AOTFs also play the roles of frequency shifters and polarimeter to eliminate the spatial hole burning effect of linear cavity laser and make the output light is polarized. AOTF除了作为调谐元件之外,还起着频移器和偏振器的作用,既防止空间烧孔效应的出现,又使输出激光是线偏振光。
Designed and built an all fiber in-line polarization parameter testing system. The main portions of this system are the all fiber polarization controller and the all fiber in-line polarimeter. 设计和研制了一套全光纤在线偏振参量测试系统,该系统由全光纤偏振控制器、全光纤在线偏振仪等组成。
The analysis of property on polarimeter showed that the light, whose vibration direction is not parallel with transmission axis, could pass through polarimeter, if only the direction parallel to the plane constructed by the system axis of polarimeter and its transmission axis. 对偏振器特性的分析表明,当光斜入射时,振动方向与偏振器透光轴不平行的光也能通过偏振器,只要该方向与系统光轴与透光轴构成的平面平行。
An airborne polarized spectral CCD camera is designed and compared with POLDER polarimeter made by France. 给出了一种航空光谱偏振CCD相机的主要技术指标设计,并与法国的POLDER偏振仪进行了类比。
The polarization images of star obtained by ground-base image polarimeter were used for the experiment of star extraction. The experiment results show that this method is very effective on star observation in daytime. 通过自行研制的偏振图像采集系统对接天文望远镜获取恒星偏振图像,进行恒星的偏振图像提取,实验结果表明该方法能有效地提取恒星目标,实现恒星白天观测。
Design of a polarimeter for the infrared camera Oasis 红外相机OASIS的偏振器设计
Polarization images of targets are obtained by the thermal imaging polarimeter, and the polarization information of targets is extracted by computer. 通过热红外偏振成像系统获得了目标的偏振图像,并由计算机提取出了图像中的偏振信息。
As a test for the electron polarimeter and its electronics measurement system, the relative Stokes parameters of linear polarized weak light are determined. 作为对电子束极化度测量仪及电子学测量系统性能的检验,实验测量了线偏振光相对Stokes参数。
Evaluation of the effect of aging on the retinal nerve fiber layer thickness using scanning laser polarimeter 应用激光偏光扫描测量仪评价正常人视网膜神经纤维层厚度与年龄的关系
Description of effect of polarimeter with slanting ray 光斜入射时偏振器作用的表述
The Research of Cellulose Derivatives as Chiral Stationary Phases and High Performance Liquid Chromatography with Polarimeter as On-line Detector 纤维素类手性固定相及高效液相色谱-旋光仪联用技术的研究