This reflects our growing polarisation, and government gridlock at all levels. 这反映出我们的两极分化日益严重,而且各级政府正陷入僵局。
As polarisation grows, they fear they must spend ever bigger sums to protect themselves ( at last week's gathering of CEOs there were endless-angry-complaints that the White House is now stoking a class war). 随着分化日益加剧,商界人士担心的是,他们必须花费更多的钱来保护自己(在开头所说的首席执行官聚会上,人们一直在愤怒地抱怨白宫现在正在煽动一场阶级战争)。
In some senses, this fragmentation is pernicious; after all, as I have noted in columns before, what is happening to television reflects a bigger pattern of social and economic polarisation. 在某种意义上,这种碎片化危害严重。毕竟,正如我以前在专栏中所言,电视反映出社会和经济两极化的整体格局。
The crisis in Ukraine epitomises the dangers inherent in social and political polarisation. 乌克兰危机体现了社会和政治极化蕴含的内在风险。
Either it follows the Tunisian route and establishes an inclusive coalition government where tensions are still prevalent but progress is obvious; or it follows the Algerian route of deep polarisation and possibly civil war. 要么步上突尼斯之路,建立一个兼容并包的联合政府,虽然政府内部紧张态势依然普遍存在,但也有明显的进步;要么走上阿尔及利亚之路,陷入严重分裂之中,可能还会点燃内战。
Since the 1980s, however, polarisation has risen to record levels, eclipsing even the 1930s ( which were also a fairly polarised period, albeit less than today). 但自上世纪80年代以来,两极分化便上升至创纪录水平,甚至超过了上世纪30年代的水平(30年代的两极分化亦相当严重,但仍比不上今天)。
These observations are important because they imply that two critical dimensions of current policy need to be seriously addressed in order to lessen both extreme economic polarisation and social instability. 这些现象很重要,因为它们暗示必须严肃解决当前政策的两个关键问题,以减轻经济中的严重两极分化和社会不稳定。
Thebenefit of polarisation is you can move your head without losingperception of the3D image. 偏振的好处是你可以移动头部,而不会失去3D视觉。
Yet what played well at home, even at the expense of polarisation, played terribly abroad. 然而,这在国内具有良好的效果,即便是以民众意见两极分化为代价,在国外的影响却很糟糕。
First, political polarisation in Washington and the country at large has weakened the capacity to govern too much. 首先,华盛顿以及整个美国在政治方面的两极分化,已极大地削弱了政府的治理能力。
Performance is notably poorer in the H polarisation. 特别是在电磁波的H方向的隐身性能较差。
The Mechanical Reliability of Polarisation Maintaining Fiber in Bend Scenarios 保偏光纤在弯曲状态下的机械可靠性研究
So what we're going through today is a period of stasis, rather than a period with any heightened sense of polarisation or any real sharp clash between definable sides. 所以,我们今天即将度过的是一个静态平衡期(aperiodofstasis),而不是一个两极分化意识有所提高或者可以界定的两方真正出现激烈冲突的时期。
Implementing and Analysis of a Measuring Method on Sky Polarization Parameters Determination of Nitrofurazone Metabolite Using Fluorescence Polarisation Immunoassay 一种大气偏振信息检测算法的实现与分析呋喃西林代谢物荧光偏振免疫检测方法研究
Determination of Chloramphenicol by Direct Competitive Time-resolved Fluoroimmunoassay Determination of Nitrofurazone Metabolite Using Fluorescence Polarisation Immunoassay 氯霉素的直接竞争时间分辨荧光免疫检测法
A growing world polarisation between rich and poor countries. 世界上富国和穷国之间日益加剧的分化。
As I said the polarisation alignment was always very good. 正如我所说的两极分化调整总是非常好。
These include the reform of the state-owned enterprises, substantial unemployment, the polarisation of income corruption, risks in the financial sector and ecological and environmental damage. 比如,国企改革问题,大量失业和待业问题、两级分化问题、腐败问题、金融风险问题、生态环境破坏问题等。
The failure of the Congressional supercommittee to reach a deal on the budget is a sad reflection of the polarisation in the us today. 美国国会超级委员会未能就预算达成协议,悲哀地反映出当今美国国内的对立局面。
Economic inequality in the US stands at levels not seen since the 1920s, and polarisation between the two principal political parties is deeper and more pervasive than at any time since the 1890s. 美国经济不平等的程度为上世纪20年代以来所未见,而且与19世纪90年代以来的任何时候相比,两个主要政党之间的分化更加深入和普遍。
In a nutshell, there is a negative feedback loop between US politics and the US economy – the polarisation of both have grown in lockstep. 简而言之,美国政治与美国经济之间存在一个负面的反馈环,二者的两极分化现象可谓相辅相成。
Each side prefers to denounce the other, reinforcing the very polarisation that is preventing progress. 每一方都倾向于贬低另一方,从而强化了正在阻碍进步的两极分化。
The reality in question admittedly rather a small part of the universe was the polarisation of pairs of photons, the particles of which light is made. 这里提到的现实当然,是宇宙极少一部分是指一对对光子(pairsofphotons)(光子构成了光)的两极分化。
Political polarisation in industrialised countries has fuelled a resurgence of fiscal conservatism. 各工业国国内的政治两极分化,促使财政保守主义再度抬头。
This proposal has no chance of being accepted in the current climate of polarisation. 但在当前党派对立的氛围下,美国不可能接受这种建议。
Such variations lay bare the polarisation of the nation. 这种分歧暴露出韩国的分化。
As polarisation and economic pain grows, social mobility is falling, along with the belief that the next generation will have a better life. 随着两极化和经济痛苦的加深,社会流动性正在下降,人们对于下一代将有更美好生活的信念也在变弱。
The cell performance was analyzed based on the measurement of the polarisation curves and ac impedance spectra. 通过极化曲线和交流阻抗谱的测量对电池的性能进行了分析。
Different antenna configurations such as antenna number, polarisation, antenna spacing and array orientation are investigated. 对于不同的天线配置如天线个数、极化特性、天线间隔、天线朝向及分布式天线都进行了详细的研究。