Dynamic polarizability and abnormal optical properties of metal nanoparticles 金属纳米颗粒的极化率与异常光学性质
Influence of Thermal Effects on Polarizability and Output Character of TEM_ ( 00)-Mode of Solid State Laser 热效应对固体激光器偏振特性和基模输出特性的影响
The relationship of polarizability and scattering number has great value to extract the backscattering light deeply into the tissue. 偏振态与散射次数的关系对于提取深入组织内部的后向散射光有很重要的价值。
This is in general agreement with the polarizability sequences of the various cations transiently re-adsorbed on the particles of the three soils. 这与金属离子在瞬间的极化大小顺序有关,即不同金属离子瞬间反吸附到土壤颗粒表面的能力有关。
Provides a foundation to treat general phenomena in materials science and engineering, including chemical reactions, magnetism, polarizability, and elasticity. 提供处理材料科学与工程中一般现象的基础,包括化学反应,磁学,极化和弹性。
This paper explores the suitability of second-order polarizability vector model, which was proposed by us, for the organometallic complexes. 本文主要对我们原先提出的二次极化率矢量模型在金属有机配合物中的适用性进行探讨。
Calculation Model of Electron Displacement Polarizability in an Asymmetric Diatomic Molecule 一种非对称双原子分子的电子位移极化率计算模型
The induced polarization decay curve contains more information than the polarizability which was used in the conventional induced polarization logging tool. 激发极化衰减谱比极化率具有更为丰富的储层信息,与地层的孔隙结构、渗透率、地层水电阻率以及泥质含量密切相关。
Calculation of High Order Nonlinear Polarizability in Single Modle Fiber 单模光纤中高阶非线性极化率的计算
It is indicated that polarizability of new geoelectric parameter as the precursor observation term is good. 研究结果表明应用介质新电性参数极化率作为前兆观测项目是可行的。
The results show that these compounds have high values of second-order nonlinear polarizability in solution. 结果表明,所测定的化合物在溶液状态下表现出较强的二阶非线性极化特性。
The polarization mechanism of leather was discussed in this paper. Using Bohr atom structure and Lorentz model, the polarizability of electron polarization and acting field of leather was studied; 研究了皮革材料在外场作用下的电子位移极化机理,利用波尔圆轨道模型和洛伦兹模型,分别研究了皮革材料的电子位移极化率和有效电场;
Calculated its molecular second-order polarizability β, and a comparative study on its pertinent derivatives is carried out. 抗光伤实验表明,该化合物具有较高的抗光伤阈值.计算了其分子二阶非线性光学系数β,并与相应的衍生物作了比较研究。
In the present work the polarizability and the hyperpolarizability of Be atom are obtained at the SCF level with basis-set expansion and analytic derivation method. 用基组展开和解析求导的方法精确计算Be原子SCF水平的极化率和超极化率。
Double frequency absorption dependence of AOP efficiency of thin films and the trade-off relationship between efficiency of photo-induced second order polarizability of the azobenzene and the transmission efficiency of double frequency were investigated, which are critically important to practical all-optical devices. 研究了倍频光吸收对薄膜光极化效率的影响,讨论了偶氮聚合物材料光诱导二阶非线性极化率的效率和倍频光透射率之间的折衷关系,这对实用化的全光器件的研制是至关重要的。
The electronic spectrum and the third order nonlinear polarizability of this supramolecule were examined by ZINDO SOS method. 用ZINDOSOS方法对分子的电子光谱,三阶非线性极化率进行了计算。
In chapter 4, we study the polarizability of niobium clusters including d electron. 第四章,我们研究了包含d电子的铌团簇的极化率。
Theoretical study of regularity of stability and polarizability of benzene, naphthalene and anthracene 苯、萘、蒽芳烃分子稳定性和分子极化率规律的理论研究
First, the concepts of equivalent resistivity have been put forward on the basis of experimental results and analysis of induced polarization mechanism as well as the definition of the polarizability of volume polarization medium. 本文首先根据实验结果和对体极化介质激发极化机理的分析,并由极化率的定义出发,采用与以往不同的方法,提出等效电阻率概念。
From equation ( 9), we may determine the mean polarizability and the molecular radius. 从方程(9)我们能够确定平均极化率和分子半径。
Relation Between the Polarizability Effect Index and the Gas Phase Basicity of Fatty Amine, Alcohol and Ether 极化效应指数与脂肪族胺、醇和醚气相碱性的关系
In this paper, the symmetry analysis method is used to compute and analyse the rotation inertia, polarizability, selection rule in mechanics, electricity, atomic and molecular spectroscopy. 本文用对称分析方法,分析计算了力学、电学、固体物理学、原子和分子光谱学中的转动惯量、极化率、选择定则等。
A great deal of researches have indicated that organic compounds is promising nonlinear optical materials, since they can be synthesized with strong π electron conjugated systems and electron transition between ligands and central atoms, which result in enhancement of nonlinear polarizability. 大量的研究表明有机化合物是一种很有前途的非线性光学材料,可以合成结构中含有较强π电子共轭体系的化合物,配体与中心原子间的电子转移,大大提高了非线性极化率。
The Calculation of Polarizability of Hydrogen Atom in Semiconductor Quantum Box by Using FMG Methods 采用FMG方法计算半导体量子盒中氢原子的极化率
In the report pointed out that accepts in atomic excited state-Ryder condition to have negative polarizability. 报道中指出,纳原子中的激发态&Ryder态具有负的极化率。
The expressions of linear and nonlinear polarizability in the process of electromagnetically induced transparency are deduced. 推导了电磁感应透明过程中晶体的线性极化率和非线性极化率的表达式。
Then we derived the mathematical model of third-order nonlinear polarizability by using density matrix. 给出了通过解密度矩阵的方法推导三阶非线性极化率的数学模型的过程。
Discussion of the first ionization energy, polarizability ( a) and the relationship between molecular contours. 讨论了电离能、极化率(a)与分子轮廓的关系。
The polarizability and and second-order hyperpolarizability were calculated by means of finite-field ( FF) method. 结合有限场(FF)方法计算了各体系的极化率和二阶超极化率。
The antisymmetric rotational polarizability and LICD of symmetric and asymmetric top molecule are studied concretely using perturbation theory and angular momentum algebra. 用微扰理论和角动量理论具体研究了对称陀螺和不对称陀螺分子的反对称转动极化率和LICD。