The greatest polemicist of the 20th century must be Leon Trotsky. 20世纪最了不起的辩论家非列昂·托洛茨基莫属。
Dr Hansen, who is head of the Goddard Institute for Space Studies, a branch of NASA that is based in New York, is a polemicist of the risks of man-made global warming. 总部在纽约的戈达德太空研究所(GISS)是美国国家航空航天局的一个分支部门,该研究所的负责人汉森博士能言善辩,他声称人为因素导致的全球变暖将给人类带来危害。
Far from just an angry polemicist, Ms. Davies's Lu Xun is also an exceptional prose poet, 'creating a turbulent aesthetics' out of vernacular Chinese. 她笔下的鲁迅绝非只是一个愤慨好辩之人,还是一个卓越的散文诗人,借助中国白话文营造出一种动荡不安之美。