Businessmen are displeased with erratic economic policy-making 商界人士对变化无常的经济决策很是恼火。
He will play a key background role in government policy-making. 他将在政府的政策制定上起至关重要的幕后作用。
Governance is a policy-making process designed to assess risk as well as opportunities in a constantly changing and evolving environment. 治理是一个策略制定的过程,旨在评估不断变化和发展的环境中的风险和机会。
In China unlike most developed countries the central bank plays a role in overall policy-making, he said. 他说,与大部分发达国家不同,在中国,央行参与整体政策制定。
And the citizen participation in public policy-making has already been the main research subject in academic circles. 公民参与公共行政过程,尤其是参与公共政策制定过程成为学术界研究的重要课题。
Research on the Shift of Chinese Public Policy-making Paradigm under the Orientation of Scientific Development 科学发展取向下的我国公共政策制定范式转换研究
As chairman he had a great influence on or over policy-making. 作为主席,他对政策制定产生着巨大影响。
Research on the Current Situation of and Solutions to Citizen Participation in Public Policy-making 公共政策制定中公民参与现状与对策研究
Research on the Harmony Model of the Public Participation in Science and Technology Policy-making 科技政策制定中的公众和谐参与模式研究
Essentially, this is a call for women-centred policy-making and programming in all sectors, in a whole-of-government approach. 实质上,这是呼吁在所有部门,在整个政府方针中,制定以妇女为中心的政策和规划。
Cooperating with other international institutions involved in global economic policy-making. ·与其他参与制订全球经济政策的国际组织合作。
The project will also strengthen the policy-making, regulatory, and implementation capacity of transport institutions. 该项目还将有助于提高交通管理部门制定政策、管理和实施的能力。
This conclusion imposes meaningful effects on the policy-making of RMB exchange-rate management. 这一结论对人民币汇率管理具有重要的政策意义。
It is a policy-making body that accomplishes the harmony and command of the whole computer system operation. 它是“决策机构”,即完成协调指挥整个计算机系统的操作。
A new study confirms the valuable role of'intermediary organisations'in bringing scientific and policy-making communities closer together. 一项新的研究肯定了“媒介组织”(intermediaryorganisations)在联结科学界与决策者们更紧密工作方面发挥了非常有价值的作用。
Their demand for more say in global policy-making; 要求在全球政策制定方面拥有更多发言权;
Coursework may include a survey of these various earth-science disciplines, statistical analysis, and public policy-making. 课程包括地球科学自然规律的研究、数据分析和公共政策制定。
Graduates do research for managed health care organizations, academic institutions, and government policy-making bodies. 毕业生将会为健康医疗组织,学术机构,和政府决策机构做研究工作。
The UN Commission on Narcotic Drugs is the main intergovernmental policy-making body dealing with all drug-related matters. 联合国麻醉药品委员会是处理与毒品有关的所有事务的主要政府间决策机构。
This researchs the relationship between rules and administrative discretion in the process of educational policy-making, with special reference to two non-governmental higher educational policies. 本文通过对两个民办高等教育政策案例的分析,探讨了教育政策过程中的规则和自由裁量权的相互关系。
HKBWS emphasize the need of introducing a formal and comprehensive Strategic Environmental Impact Assessment to higher policy-making processes. 本会强调政府在制订高层次的政策时,应引入一套正规及全面的策略性环境影响评估;
The government should appropriately exercise its functions in policy-making, implementation and oversight. 要协调好决策、执行和监督的职能。
Stable, predictable policy-making and prudent macro-economic management are again possible. 实现稳定的、可预测的政策决策和审慎的宏观经济管理又成为可能。
The Research of Government Policy-making in the Process of Educational Institutions Privatization 教育机械民营化进程中政府政策制定问题研究
Public participation in eco-tourism policy-making in China 试论我国生态旅游政策制定中的公众参与
The solution to China's transportation problem deponds on allsidedly understanding and correctly policy-making of transportation. 过去对交通运输的认识总难跳出小生产和自然经济的框框,这妨碍了我国运输问题的解决。
Overall policy-making, direction, coordination and control 通盘决策、指导、协调和控制
Our manager usually chairs the senior management discussion and policy-making meetings. 我们的经理通常主持高级管理讨论和政策制订会议。
We will discuss collaborative approaches as a foundation for citizen stewardship groups and the role these groups play in sustainable development and environmental policy-making. 我们将会讨论作为市民管理团体基础的合作方法,及这些团体在可持续发展和环境决策中所扮演的角色。
Structure: the board of directors is the principal governing and policy-making body and there is a senior Council with advisory responsibilities on matters of policies and precedents. 结构:董事会是主要理事和决策机构,高级理事会在政策和先例事项上负有咨询责任。