A little of that here with you today, to go over what Aristotle is suggesting in this idea of man, the polis animal. 我只能示范一些给你们看,要如何阅读亚里士多德所提示的概念,即人是城邦的动物。
At this point we know only the most general features of what a polis is. 到目前为止我们仅知道,城邦最广泛的特色。
First comes the family, then an association of families in a tribe, then a further association in a village, and then you might say an association of villages that create a polis or a city. 首先是家庭,然后是众多家庭的结合形成部落,再扩大形成村庄,然后是村庄的结合,创造出了城邦或城市。
But what kind of polis? 但是哪种城邦呢?
As it becomes more of a unity it will be like a household instead of a polis and a human being instead of a household. 当它愈趋近于一体,它变成像是家庭,而非都会,更像一个个体,而非家庭。
Political system of the Greek polis 古代希腊城邦政治制度
This& he also founded a Greek polis, that is as Greek city structure and Jason apparently paid Antiochus for the privilege of having Jerusalem recognized as a Greek city. 他还建立了希腊城邦,一种希腊城市结构,他甚至贿赂安条克,承认耶路撒冷是希腊城市。
The universal state will never allow for or does not allow for the kind of self-perfection that a small, self-governing polis will have. 万国之城将永不会允许,或说不会允许一种自我完善,那只有在小型,自治的城邦中才行得通。
All he tells us is that we are the polis animal by nature and that to achieve our ends, it will be necessary to live in a polis. 他只说到,我们是天生的城邦动物,为了达成目标,必需要住在城邦之中。
The Features of the Polis of Athens and the Social Status of the Athenian Women 从城邦的特征看古代雅典妇女的地位
The utopianism of the book is, in many ways, the reverse side of the sense of profound disillusionment that he felt at the actual experience of the Athenian polis. 书中的乌托邦主义在很多方面,都是他,彻底醒悟的反说,也是他对,雅典城邦的实际体验。
Aristotle's Politics, the culmination of this attitude, virtually hypostatizes the polis as the fundamental unit of civilization. 亚里士多德在《政治学》一书中,将城邦实体化作为文明的基本单位,是这种观点的巅峰时期。
He must remain in or around Sparte, but not enter any other polis during this time. 他必须留在斯巴达或周围,但不能在这段时间内进入任何其他城邦。
Civilized life for the fifth century is unthinkable without the polis, a bounded space dividing the human world from the wild. 五世纪的文明生活如果没有城邦则是不可想象的,这是人类世界和野蛮的清晰划界。
In this genre there is no praise of individual; it is a laudation of the collective Athenians, which is turned into an encomium of the greatness of the polis. 在这文类之中并没有对个别之人的赞扬,而是对雅典人整体歌颂,而这又进一步的晚话成为对市民城邦之伟大的咏叹。
Aristotle lived at the virtual cusp of the world of the autonomous city-state of the Greek polis. 亚里士多德住在可说是希腊城邦世界中,最顶尖的自治城市。
Duality of the polis's Character and the analysis about the nature of Athenian society-economy 城邦的两重性与雅典社会经济性质的分析
He is currently in Sparte and should not leave the polis until this stage is complete, in approximately two years. 他目前在斯巴达,不要离开城邦,直到完成这一阶段大约两年。
The polis, as Aristotle as well as Plato clearly understand, is a small society, what could be called today a closed society. 如亚里士多德及柏拉图清楚明白,是一个小型的社会,即今日所称的封闭社会。
This paper introduces that we can reduce Within wafer nonuniformity ( WIWNU) to achieve part and full planarization by distributing the speed of polishing head and polis. 介绍了在化学机械抛光过程中,可以通过抛光头与抛光台运动速度关系优化配置,降低晶片表面不均匀度,从而更好地实现晶片局部和全局平坦化。
What is particularly characteristic of classical Athens, however, is the focus of definitions of civilization on the polis, the city-state. 什么是古代雅典所特有的型格,或者说,是对于城邦和城邦文明释义的关键。
In the literal opening, he gives what looks like a kind of natural history of the polis. 在本书开始的地方,他给了一种类似,城邦自然演变历史的说法。
The power to know is our ability to recognize, by sight, members of the same polis or city. 求知的能力,是我们透过双眼辨别,同一城邦或城市成员的能力。
The polis is natural in the sense that it has grown out of smaller and lesser forms of human association. 城邦是自然的演变,因为它源自,较小单位形式的人类结合。
But there is a second sense for him and, in some ways, a more important sense in which he says the polis is by nature. 但他还有另一种说法,且就某种程度看来是更重要的说法,他说城邦就是自然演变。
A Transmutative Image: The Academia's Misreading of Ancient Greek Polis life 变形的镜像:学术界对古希腊城邦生活的误读
So the ethic order of the polis is not a uniform one of whole nationalism, but a cooperative one based on free and equal citizens with the ethic entity as its core. 因而,城邦的伦理秩序不是完全国家主义的齐一划秩序,而是以伦理实体为基础的自由平等的合作秩序。
The first two merely project a polis society upon its extension, the Greek army at Troy. 前两部仅仅是在希腊军队在特洛伊的这一剧情的延伸中展现了城邦社会。
Can those be transferred or translated in some way to public justice, to political justice,? justice in the polis? 那些是否可以用某种方法转换,或转移到公共正义,政治正义,或城邦正义?
The polis makes ancient Greek public sphere possible. 城邦政治开辟了古希腊的公共领域。